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Fluval Fx6 vs Eheim Review - VOTING POLL

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  • Fluval Fx6 vs Eheim Review - VOTING POLL

    The time has come to vote on the better Canister filter brand?!
    Which is better? Eheim or Fluval?

    *edit: Eheim is the WINNER!

    Here is a link to the "Best Seller" eheim classic canister! If anyone is interested.
    Last edited by Brileeant808; 05-25-2017, 09:12 PM.
    Four 75gal - SA cichlids
    ten 29gal - livebearer breeding
    two 125gal - predator tanks

  • #2
    I voted for Eheim because I feel like their products are less expensive and you get about the same quality..
    Four 75gal - SA cichlids
    ten 29gal - livebearer breeding
    two 125gal - predator tanks


    • #3
      The only filters that eheim makes that is comparable to FX6 is 2260/2262 and they are way more expensive. A used eheim 2262 will sell all day for $250-300 while a used fx6 will sell at most 175-200. Eheim is better in the long run and a more efficient all around filter. Fx6 is excellent mechanically. Not much bio media capacity.
      210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
      125g Mdoka White Lip

      "Success is the willingness to fail"


      • #4
        I vote eheim all the way. I've never used fluval but there are two 2260's on my 210 gallon. Those have been running that tank for over 15 years. I've used their smaller canisters like the 2217 on other tanks. Never had a problem with any eheim.

        Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


        • #5
          eheim is the way to go also they hold there value extremely well


          • #6
            I TOTALLY would have thought that fluval would have more votes.... That's awesome though because I think the FX6 are overrated!
            Four 75gal - SA cichlids
            ten 29gal - livebearer breeding
            two 125gal - predator tanks


            • #7
              I currently use both . They are both great filters . I will give the Eheim an "A+" on Biological filtration... and a (B+)...on Mechanical filtration. I will give the FX5/6 an (A+) on Mechanical filtration and a (B+) for Biological filtration . So it all boils down to which fits your needs and budget best.


              • #8
                I use both... Here re my experiences with them:

                Fluval FX6: I currently have 5 of these running. The outside filter pads hardly get dirty, even after months of use. Any finer round pad is always the one that clogs and reduces performance. I find it can hold enough bio media if you add your own to all three sections. The weakest part of the filter is the motor mounts on the canister body. Once you take the motor off a few times to clean (especially if you have sand) it becomes difficult to re-attach without it leaking. I had to retire an FX6 due to this problem. The hose quick connectors (especially when new) can be very difficult to remove. The FX6 uses less electricity at 43 watts.

                Eheim 2262 (1500XL) (I have two of these) and 2217 (I have two of these): Far more flexible since you pack the media however you wish. The hose quick connectors are far better and easier to use. The one issue I have had is that as the filter gets dirty the internal pressure starts to increase dramatically, which has caused the short legs of the top plastic screen to shatter on the 2262/1500XLs requiring it to be replaced. If you want very clear water get the 5 gallon paint strainer bags from Home Depot and stuff them with filter fiber (pillow stuffing) from Walmart. It makes for a very cheap and effective mechanical media. The 2262/1500XL is not as efficient as the FX6 since it uses 65 watts.

                I find that both brands of filters can be very effective. The build quality of the FX6 is not as good as the Eheim's and that concerns me over the long run. The Eheim will cost you more in electricity usage.
                Last edited by sayersweb; 11-28-2017, 10:22 AM.
                3200G - Koi pond with planted bog pond
                675G - Black Arowana, Giant Gourami, Silver Dollars, Mono Sebae, Geo Surinamensis, Nicaraguense, Tinfoil Barbs, Balas, Roselines
                300G - Discus, Angels, Surinamensis, Keyhole Cichlids, Rainbow Cichlids, Black Ghost, Tetras, Corys
                300G - Severums, Fesitvum, Chocolate, Brasiliensis, Electric Blue Acaras, Rainbows, Filament Barbs, Silver Arowana (grow out)
                200G - African Cichlids (Malawi)
                75G - African Cichlids (Malawi) grow out
                65G - Green Terrors, Monos (grow out) - not sure what to do with this aquarium


                • #9
                  Eheim anytime
                  010G Long fin BN grow-out
                  020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                  020G Leulepi grow-out
                  020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                  030G Leulepi breeder
                  030G SRD FlowerHorn
                  040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                  090G Tangs community
                  100G Tangs community
                  150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Brileeant808 View Post
                    The time has come to vote on the better Canister filter brand?!
                    Which is better? Eheim or Fluval?

                    *edit: Eheim is the WINNER!

                    Here is a link to the "Best Seller" eheim classic canister! If anyone is interested.
                    Fluval is my pic.... way better in my opinion.

                    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

