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HLA's Ken rocks!

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  • HLA's Ken rocks!

    Ken, the ALA convention was a BLAST! There were a lot of folks helping out, but you were absolutely tireless! Well, actually you prolly won't wake up for a few days!  I learned a lot about livebearers. Auction prices were off the charts!  Several times, $80 for a trio of livebearers.  And being able to purchase wild-extinct fish! Unbelievable!
    From fish farm tours to collecting trips to speakers to ...  the whole 4 days was jam-packed with fish things to do. You really did an unbelievable job! You showcased the HLA first rate.
    Thanks for a once in  a lifetime weekend!

  • #2
    Re: HLA's Ken rocks!

    The ALA/HLA Auction/Conference could not have been pulled off with out all the GREAT Volunteers!!!  HLA/HAS members Charles Jones, Marion Gofoth, Susan Robinson, Richard Jenkins, Tena & Eddie Phillips, Max Smith, Nancy Szidlowski, Christie McConnell, Nick Bertrand, Marvin England, and Marybeth Petranek.

    There were many youth that stepped in and helped as auction runners!

    Special thanks goes to Charles, Susie & Cara Clapsaddle who really put in the volunteer hours and gave us GREAT leadership!

    We need to thank the 2 San Antonio Dave's Hensen & Schumarcher that helped with the Auction and Carolyn Estes.  

    Bob Baker could not attend but put in many hours working on the ALA2008 website!

    I'm sure I forgot names so apologize in advance if I missed you.

    It was also grand that so many people came from other parts of Texas to attend just the auction!!!  Bob Teague was seen bidding on several livebearers!  8)

    Some out of this world bidding at the auction along with some GREAT deals!

    The over all conference was a success with 100 plus attendees!  Texas started something with the tours and collecting trips that ALA has not done in many years at their conferences!  Many folks from Britian or Mexico brought rare fish to sell/trade and were taking fish back with them!

    GIANT THANKS to EVERYONE for making Texas proud!  later, ken

