To my horror I discovered anchor worms on my newly-acquired fantail goldfish. No I didn't do quarantine tank and I should have. cocky I guess
heavily planted 125
ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrates less than 5. Weekly water changes.
Black water additive once weekly light tea color.
72 deg f
Experienced fishkeeper
Seasoned tank
Tank is a bunch of bumbly leftover fish from my aquatic science class all mixed together.all friends and compatible.
So, is the tank infected or is the fish infected?
And how do I proceed? I ordered some stuff from Amazon it should be here today
should I bother setting up a quarantine tank or just treat the whole tank? Will it kill the bacteria in the filter?
Yikes!!! Thank you!
Sent from my KYOCERA-E6820 using Tapatalk
Posted also on planted tank forum
Sent from my KYOCERA-E6820 using Tapatalk
heavily planted 125
ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrates less than 5. Weekly water changes.
Black water additive once weekly light tea color.
72 deg f
Experienced fishkeeper
Seasoned tank
Tank is a bunch of bumbly leftover fish from my aquatic science class all mixed together.all friends and compatible.
So, is the tank infected or is the fish infected?
And how do I proceed? I ordered some stuff from Amazon it should be here today
should I bother setting up a quarantine tank or just treat the whole tank? Will it kill the bacteria in the filter?
Yikes!!! Thank you!
Sent from my KYOCERA-E6820 using Tapatalk
Posted also on planted tank forum
Sent from my KYOCERA-E6820 using Tapatalk