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Your fish list (2008)

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  • #16
    Re: Your fish list (2008)

    I have:
    55 gallon
    7 yellow labs (juvies)
    1 yellow lab adult
    2 red zebra (juvies)
    1 Kennyi
    breeding pair pseudotropheus pulpicans
    pulpicans fry & 1 juvenile male
    1 yellow colored brichardi
    1 mystery cichlid
    3 red tops
    3 mbamba bay
    1 blue crayfish

    30 gallon:
    2 mystery snails
    10 red longfinned white cloud minnows
    6 black lyretail mollies
    plants - crypts, wisteria, java moss, etc

    20 gallon:
    3 mystery snails
    15 red zebra fry (tiny!)
    a few guppies
    1 female Albino BN pleco

    14 gallon:
    15 pineapple swordtail fry
    2 dwarf honey (sunset?) gourami
    2 amano shrimp
    red ludwigea
    rotala indica
    cardinal plant
    dwarf swords
    java moss

    10 gallon planted:
    approx. 30 or so RCS
    guppy fry
    christmas moss
    java moss
    blixia (spelling?)
    amazon swords
    rotala indica

    10 gallon:
    1 random dalmation molly
    3 small blue crayfish

    5 gallon:
    5 neon tetra
    1 blue veil tail betta

    2 gallon:
    1 black moor goldfish

    1.77 gallon:
    1 small blue crayfish missing claws
    some small feeder guppies that had really pretty colors

    Rogue - red and blue crowntail
    Kirin and Lily - red veiltails
    Sesshoumaru - pewter colored halfmoon
    Pickles - blue/green female
    2 red females
    Sakura - coral colored veiltail


    • #17
      Re: Your fish list (2008)

      Hopefully jughead will post all of his stuff on here that he picked up at the ALA convention
      Charles Jones

      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


      • #18
        Re: Your fish list (2008)

        Jughead has more fish than a LFS...


        • #19
          Re: Your fish list (2008)

          I have,

          x2 fancy goldfish

          x2 balla sharks

          x2 sunburst platys
          x75+ fancy guppy (fry)
          x6 fancy guppies
          x15+ black molly (fry)

          x3 veiltail bettas
          x2 crowntail bettas

          x2 blue crawfish

          x10+ convicts (fry)
          x2 kenyis (pair)
          x6 brachardis
          x8 convicts
          x4 red zebras
          x4 yellow labs.
          Fish are people too, they just have gills.


          • #20
            Re: Your fish list (2008)

            Originally posted by armthehomeless";p="
            I have

            Brown Bristlenose Pleco
            Albino LF Bristlenose Pleco
            Chinese Algae Eater

            Cyprichromis leptosoma "Jumbo Blue Orchid"
            Ectodus descampsii
            Benthochrmis tricoti
            Enantiopus sp. "Kilesa"
            Julidochromis transcriptus
            Eretmodus cyanosticus "Makombe"

            Labidochromis caeruleus
            Sciaenochromis ahli

            That is it... for now
            Tim, I wsa gonna ask what happend to your Blue Orchids?  Hehe, but I see you added them after the fact.


            • #21
              Re: Your fish list (2008)

              Originally posted by Tiapan";p="
              -9 golden topwater minnows ( a type of killifish, Mzungu knows)
              (Fundulus chrysotus)
              -18 plus Least killifish
              (Heterandria formosa)
              -8 pygmy sunfish
              (Elassoma zonatum)

              I'll have a go at this. Just know that I have small, inexpensive fish. I don't know the majority of the population sizes:

              30 cube:
              Aplocheilichthys (Poropanchax) normani
              Corydoras pygmaeus
              Botia (or some other 'Y' name...) sidthimunki
              Caridina multidentata
              A few BN plecos, albinos included

              7 Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae
              1 Corydoras rabauti
              1 Corydoras panda

              Pseudepipltys annulatus
              Serpae tetras
              2 Procatopus nototaenia
              Pangio kuhlii
              Tiger shrimp

              Poecilia latipinna
              Fundulus chrysotus (F)
              Betta splendens (Olga!)

              40 breeder:
              Lucania goodei
              2 plecos
              1 Jordanella floridae
              2 Etheostoma fusiforme

              Fundulus notatus
              Caridina multidentata
              Rosy barbs
              1 ABN

              30 hex:
              Gobiosoma bosc
              Hermit crab & snails (so technical)

              2.5g: 1 Betta

              5g: Scuds
              5g: RCS and CRS (and one baby lucania)

              8g: Some stuff from ALA convention collections  (1 M Fundulus chrysotus)  :)
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #22
                Re: Your fish list (2008)

                I have:

                75 Gal
                - 14 Tropheus Red Chimba
                - 2  N. Brichardi
                - 4  Clown loaches
                My name is Andri, and I'm an Ikoholic ! Back in the game !


                • #23
                  Re: Your fish list (2008)

                  fish i have willing to sell

                  50 + leleupi babies
                  10+ leleupi juvies
                  Baby Albino Bristlenose plecos
                  Hundreds of guppies
                  Sunshine peacock
                  Orange peacock
                  Clear Lake, TX


                  • #24
                    Re: Your fish list (2008)

                    fish from the ala show

                       alfaro cultratus
                       characodon lateralis los berros
                       nomorhamphus ebrardtii
                       limia nigrofasciata
                       ataeniobus toweri
                       ilyodon whitei
                       ilyodon furcidens
                       ilyodon xantusi
                       jenynsia lineata
                       xenophorus captivus
                       xenotoca eisseni yellow
                       it was a good weekend


                    • #25
                      Re: Your fish list (2008)

                      I guess I'll participate:

                      Zebra danios
                      Platies (2nd and 3rd generations)
                      Neon tetras
                      Harlequin rasboras
                      2 female swordtails (that have probably been mating with some of the platies)
                      Baby BN plecos
                      Angelicus loaches
                      1 Zebra loach
                      1 peppered cory
                      1 other kind of cory, but I don't know what it's called
                      About 20 bettas (some females in tanks, but about 15 of them in their own vases)
                      Black and striped kuhli loaches
                      2 gold fish
                      1 common pleco (about 7-8 in long)
                      4 gold barbs

                      Seems like less when I have it on here - haha


                      • #26
                        Re: Your fish list (2008)

                        I like purty fish


                        • #27
                          Re: Your fish list (2008)

                          160 Mixed Africans:
                          Labidochromis Sp. (Hongi)
                          Maylandia Greshakei
                          Nimbochromis venustus (Venustus)  
                          Protomelas Taeniolatus (red empress)
                          Pseudotropheus lombardoi (kenyi)
                          Pseudotropheus crabro (bumblee bee)
                          Chocolate Pleco
                          Clown Loach
                          OB (peacock)
                          White unknown
                          Pseudotropheus Socolofi  
                          Melanochromis Auratus
                          Yellow unknown

                          120 Gallon:
                          Green Spotted puffers
                          Stars & Stripes puffer

                          44 Gallon:
                          Koi Angelfish

                          29 Gallon
                          Blue German Rams
                          Bristlenose Pelco

                          28 Gallon

                          10 Gallon
                          A sick porcupine puffer (still in the hospital) :(
                          A house without a puffer is not a Home.


                          • #28
                            Re: Your fish list (2008)

                            im impressed by Mzungu's tank count. But im getting there. the goal is to have them all up by the time i leave for Mexico in June. That way Tim has all the fun feeding them :wink:
                            Never fear I is here
                            David Abeles
                            Vice President
                            Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                            • #29
                              Re: Your fish list (2008)

                              and i hope your puffer feals better soon
                              Never fear I is here
                              David Abeles
                              Vice President
                              Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                              • #30
                                Re: Your fish list (2008)

                                Moba gibberosa
                                Blue Zambian gibberosa
                                Yellow Lab
                                Sunshine peacock
                                Black calvus
                                Alto compressisep "red fin"
                                Synodontis eupterus
                                Bristle nose pleco
                                Albino bristle nose pleco

