Re: Your fish list (2008)
I have:
55 gallon
7 yellow labs (juvies)
1 yellow lab adult
2 red zebra (juvies)
1 Kennyi
breeding pair pseudotropheus pulpicans
pulpicans fry & 1 juvenile male
1 yellow colored brichardi
1 mystery cichlid
3 red tops
3 mbamba bay
1 blue crayfish
30 gallon:
2 mystery snails
10 red longfinned white cloud minnows
6 black lyretail mollies
plants - crypts, wisteria, java moss, etc
20 gallon:
3 mystery snails
15 red zebra fry (tiny!)
a few guppies
1 female Albino BN pleco
14 gallon:
15 pineapple swordtail fry
2 dwarf honey (sunset?) gourami
2 amano shrimp
red ludwigea
rotala indica
cardinal plant
dwarf swords
java moss
10 gallon planted:
approx. 30 or so RCS
guppy fry
christmas moss
java moss
blixia (spelling?)
amazon swords
rotala indica
10 gallon:
1 random dalmation molly
3 small blue crayfish
5 gallon:
5 neon tetra
1 blue veil tail betta
2 gallon:
1 black moor goldfish
1.77 gallon:
1 small blue crayfish missing claws
some small feeder guppies that had really pretty colors
Rogue - red and blue crowntail
Kirin and Lily - red veiltails
Sesshoumaru - pewter colored halfmoon
Pickles - blue/green female
2 red females
Sakura - coral colored veiltail
I have:
55 gallon
7 yellow labs (juvies)
1 yellow lab adult
2 red zebra (juvies)
1 Kennyi
breeding pair pseudotropheus pulpicans
pulpicans fry & 1 juvenile male
1 yellow colored brichardi
1 mystery cichlid
3 red tops
3 mbamba bay
1 blue crayfish
30 gallon:
2 mystery snails
10 red longfinned white cloud minnows
6 black lyretail mollies
plants - crypts, wisteria, java moss, etc
20 gallon:
3 mystery snails
15 red zebra fry (tiny!)
a few guppies
1 female Albino BN pleco
14 gallon:
15 pineapple swordtail fry
2 dwarf honey (sunset?) gourami
2 amano shrimp
red ludwigea
rotala indica
cardinal plant
dwarf swords
java moss
10 gallon planted:
approx. 30 or so RCS
guppy fry
christmas moss
java moss
blixia (spelling?)
amazon swords
rotala indica
10 gallon:
1 random dalmation molly
3 small blue crayfish
5 gallon:
5 neon tetra
1 blue veil tail betta
2 gallon:
1 black moor goldfish
1.77 gallon:
1 small blue crayfish missing claws
some small feeder guppies that had really pretty colors
Rogue - red and blue crowntail
Kirin and Lily - red veiltails
Sesshoumaru - pewter colored halfmoon
Pickles - blue/green female
2 red females
Sakura - coral colored veiltail