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Your fish list (2008)

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  • #31
    Re: Your fish list (2008)

    I figured I would update my fish list so (in part) that I can remember what I have...

    Brown Bristlenose Pleco
    Albino LF Bristlenose Pleco
    Chinese Algae Eater
    Red Cherry Shrimp
    Turquoise Rainbowfish
    Crossing Rainbowfish
    Sarasa Goldfish

    Cyprichromis leptosoma "Jumbo Blue Orchid"
    Cyprichromis leptosoma ??
    Ectodus descampsii
    Benthochromis tricoti
    Julidochromis transcriptus (or marlieri)
    Eretmodus cyanosticus "Makombe"
    Ophthalmotilapia ventralis
    Paracypirchromis nigripinnis "Blue Neon"
    Altolamprologus calvus
    Neolamprologus brichardi
    Telmatochromis temporalis "shell"

    Labidochromis caeruleus
    Sciaenochromis ahli
    Petrotilapia sp."chitimba"chitimba bay
    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


    • #32
      Re: Your fish list (2008)

      my fishlist (not impressive like most of you guys, but its what i can do now)

      55 Gallon Mix Cichlid
      3 yellow labs
      3 red zebras  (2m, 1fm i think)
      2 pink convicts (male and female, but not a couple, they are always getting chased around by the mbunas, no time for chiki chiki bou woao)
      1 exasperatus (female, spawned before, very fat and happy)
      1 firemouth (tank boss nobody messes with him)
      i am thinking about changing this tank to just one type of mbuna and my pink convicts or just the pinks!

      5.5 Gallon Fry Tank
      6 exasperatus fry (from the mother listed above) - all 1 - 1.5 inches and are very nice/healthy, they are starting to fight too much already, don't know if i should risk putting them in the 55 or sell/give them away, what do you guys think?
      1 sub-adult yellow lab - currently in this tank being treated for tattered fins, i treated him another time and put him back in the main tank and the same thing happened, can't even tell who does it to him, i might have to give him to someone

      30 Gallon Planted
      4 angels (to be moved to 65 gallon planted)
      4 checkerboards (2m,2fm - to be moved to 65 gallon planted)
      2 hillstream loaches (to be moved to 65 gallon planted)
      5 black phantom tetras
      5 black neon tetras
      4 cardinal tetras
      3 glowlight tetras
      3 ottos
      1 BN pleco

      65 Gallon Planted
      2 pea puffers
      4 c. trilineatus
      3 regular white clouds (survived cycling w/o loss)
      1 regular zebra danio (survived cycling w/o loss)
      1 regular blue betta (to be moved to 6g desktop when angels move here)
      - movers from 30gallon (see above)
      - 6 amano shrimps
      - 6 nerites
      - 6 ottos

      6 Gallon Long Desktop (decommissioning soon)
      4 platys - 1 mom and 3 kids - to be moved to 30gallon planted once the angels move
      1 kribensis - 1fm - to be moved to 30gallon planted once the angels move, plan on getting a male and breeding in the 30 gallon
      65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
      55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
      30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

      live and let live

