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Your fish list (2008)

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  • Your fish list (2008)

    I was looking for the old thread but here is a new one.  I know alot of us have added or changed out stock.

    Here's mine...

    Tropheus Livua
    Tropheus Duboisi
    Tropheus Mpulungu
    Cyprichromis Blue Orchid
    Cyprichromis Blue Blaze
    Burundi Frontosa
    Black Calvus
    Brown Bristlenose
    Albino Bristlenose

    Red Devil
    Chipoka Peacock fry
    Yellow Labs
    Dragon Blood Peacock
    Triple and Double Red Apistos
    Yellow Blaze
    Various Rainbows
    Pink Convicts
    Female Orange Peacocks
    Clown Loach
    German Blue Rams
    Kooli Loaches
    Roseline Sharks
    Oto cats

    Florida Blue Crayfish
    Red Cherry Shrimp
    Blue Pearl Shrimp

    *New Shrimp on the way...Next Week!  

    I prolly missed a few.  

    Please yours.

  • #2
    Re: Your fish list (2008)

    I have

    Brown Bristlenose Pleco
    Albino LF Bristlenose Pleco
    Chinese Algae Eater

    Cyprichromis leptosoma "Jumbo Blue Orchid"
    Ectodus descampsii
    Benthochrmis tricoti
    Enantiopus sp. "Kilesa"
    Julidochromis transcriptus
    Eretmodus cyanosticus "Makombe"

    Labidochromis caeruleus
    Sciaenochromis ahli

    That is it... for now
    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


    • #3
      Re: Your fish list (2008)

      I have.....


      Moba Gibberosa
      Burundi Frontosa
      Mpimbwe Gibberosa
      Altolamprologus Compressiceps


      Super Red Empress Breeding Group
      Taiwan Reef Breeding Group
      Albino Taiwan Reef Breeding Group
      Rubescens Breeding Group
      Ngara Flametail Group
      German Red Breeding Pr.
      Sunshine Peacock Breeding Trio.
      Demasoni Breeding Trio
      Mbamba Bay Breeding Group
      Electric Blue Ahli Breeding Group
      Golden Hybrid Peacock Breeders


      Haplochromis sp. 44 Breeding Pr.


      • #4
        Re: Your fish list (2008)

        oh my *looking around the house*
        um.... non common names ;-)
        several ABN plecos
        several common plecos ranging from 4"-11"
        one rubber lipped pleco
        about 200 pink convict fry
        9 adult buffaloheads -27+ fry
        5 assorted angels
        30+ shellies
        Syno cat
        2 bala sharks
        7 kenyi
        9 adult pink convicts
        7 adult mbamba bays
        1 very blue peacock
        1 solid orange peacock
        3 whitish julies
        3 crayfish (one with berries)
        tank of guppies
        tank of platys
        tank of sailfin mollies
        2 pair of bettas each pair in two different tanks
        5 albino cories
        5 other misc cories
        2 flounder
        1 tank of common brichardi/daffodils
        1 tank of tequilas
        1 shrimp tank
        1 empty tank waiting on puffers
        1 tank of rubescent/jaguar/mbuna fry
        1 LARGE jaguar
        and 2 archocentrus panamensis "red" -unsure of common name and have never seen any around town.
        um.... I think that's it.
        5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
        20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
        29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
        29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
        29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
        55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
        75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
        / 10+" oscar/ parrot


        • #5
          Re: Your fish list (2008)

          I have.......

          Petro - Trewevasae
          Petro - Ephippium
          Tropheus - Kaiser II
          Tropheus - Sp. Red Chimba

          Tropheus  - Duboisi white band (narrow)
          Tropheus  - Moorii Murago

          That is it untill I get more tanks
          Have a great day and a better tomorrow


          • #6
            Re: Your fish list (2008)

            Im new at getting started, what I have so far in various tanks....

            Male Bettas (halfmoon, Crowntail, Delta)
            Female Bettas (halfmoon, Crowntail, Delta)
            Various types of Guppies (a lot)
            Guppy Fry
            3 spot Gourami
            Red Oscar
            Tiger Oscar
            Green tiger barbs
            Tiger barbs
            Ghot shrimp

            Plan on getting: yellow labs, another pleco, more green tiger barbs, another type of schoaling fish possibly rasboras....


            • #7
              Re: Your fish list (2008)

              Got any murago/ikola fry oldgeezer?

              As for me.....

              37 Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
              35 Tropheus Brichardi Ulwile
              10 Tanganicodus burundi
              1   Eretomodus Makombe
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: Your fish list (2008)

                Right now:

                Petrochromis ephippium 9
                Tropheus Kachese 1 (code name Tiny)
                Tropheus Ilangi 2
                Tropheus Duboisi 40+
                Clown Loaches 6

                Anyone want to trade?


                • #9
                  Re: Your fish list (2008)

                  OK...this is from memory:
                  Asprotilapia leptura "Samazi"
                  Ophthalmotilapia nasuta "tiger"
                  Tropheus sp. "Ilangi"
                  Tropheus sp. "Chaitika"
                  Tropheus sp. "Bemba"
                  Tropheus sp. "Mplungu"
                  Ophthalmotilapia ventralis "Gombe"
                  Petrochromis "Famula Chimba"
                  Gymnogeophagus sp. "norte"
                  Tropheus sp. "Sibyeswe"
                  Herichthys bartoni "Media Luna"
                  Astatotilapia calliptera
                  Telmatochromis burgeoni
                  Neolamprologus longicaudatus
                  Lamprologus insignis
                  Telmatochromis sp. "Orange scribble"
                  Lithochromis xyatherynx
                  Crenicihla compressiceps
                  Chilotilapia euchilus
                  Crenicihla sp. "Peru"
                  Lamprologus signatus
                  Petrotilapia sp. "Nkhata Bay"
                  Thorichthys aureus
                  Pundamilia sp. "Crimson Tide"
                  Cyprichromis sp. "Jumbo Blue Orchid"
                  Cyprichromis sp. "Jumbo Isanga"

                  I'm sure I've forgotten something.
                  Charles Jones

                  A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                  Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                  • #10
                    Re: Your fish list (2008)

                    Sold all my other tanks so I'm currently down to one...but not for long!

                    33 Tropheus Moorrii Mpulungu
                    12 Petrochromis Trewavasae
                    1 Synodontis Brichardi
                    1 Auchenoglanis Occidentalis

                    125 with more tropheus and petros in the making...


                    • #11
                      Re: Your fish list (2008)

                      ok let me try this:

                      African cichlids from "mixed cichlids" tanks
                      neolamprologus brichardi
                      synodontis eupterus
                      synodontis occelifer
                      red tailed blue botias

                      climbing perch
                      armored catfish
                      common plecos
                      river eel
                      sengalus bichir (green and albino)
                      ornate bichir (gimpy one from Mike's)
                      tiger bichir
                      enderlichi bichir
                      flowerhorn and jellybean parrots
                      synodontis angelicus
                      yellow flowerhorn

                      white crawfish

                      giraffe catfish
                      synodontis negrita
                      common pleco
                      "asian" pleco
                      polleni cichlid
                      green serevum
                      sun catfish
                      pike cichlid
                      striped raphael catfish

                      fahaka puffer

                      red eyed puffer

                      blind lionhead goldfish (no eyes)
                      black saltys
                      baseball sized apple snail
                      red claw crawfish

                      red tailed goodieds
                      dusky goodieds
                      orange crescent goodieds
                      butterfly goodieds
                      bass goodieds
                      bn plecos (albino, brown, brown long fin)

                      "reticulated giant" danios
                      various geophagus
                      curviceps cichlid
                      green, black and striped kuhli loaches
                      bolivian ram
                      bn plecos (albino and brown)
                      siamese algae eater
                      baby sengalus bichir (TINY)
                      T barb
                      pepper cories
                      flagtail catfish
                      porthole catfish
                      hummingbird (darter) tetra

                      jade gobys
                      lesser siren
                      gold shiners
                      rainbow dace/red shiners
                      rough shiner
                      tadpole madtom catfish
                      florida blue crawfish
                      hillstream loach
                      unknown shiner (from Fondren Fish'N'Pets)
                      unknown "shark" (from city pets, silver with black spot on tail)
                      roatan mollies
                      bn plecos (brown, albino)
                      2 "L series" plecos sold to me as commons (dark with spots and red highlights on tail)
                      queen arabesque pleco

                      silver scats
                      green scat
                      jade goby
                      "colombian shark" (hardhead catfish)
                      hermit crabs
                      neon puffer
                      pumpkinseed sunfish
                      orange chromide
                      green chromides

                      various killies whose names I'm not gonna try to spell right now.
                      PLECOS SUCK!



                      • #12
                        Re: Your fish list (2008)

                        Red Rubensens Peacock
                        Yellow Labs
                        Tropheus Duboisi
                        Syno Decorus
                        Albino BN's
                        Regular BN's
                        Peppered Corys
                        Julie Marlieri
                        Nanochromis Parilus
                        Featherfin loach
                        Yoyo Loaches
                        Ocellatus Gold
                        Sunshine Peacocks
                        H oxyrhynchus
                        Sciaenochromis fryeri Icebergs

                        What fish do Jesper have
                        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                        58 S. Decorus

                        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                        • #13
                          Re: Your fish list (2008)

                          We have....

                          34 Tropheus Duboisi Maswa
                          21 Tropheus Moliro
                          9 Tropheus 'Moop'
                          6 Tropheus Bemba
                          24 Tropheus Nkonde
                          8 Tropheus Ikola
                          26 Tropheus Kachese
                          2 Balloon Green Terrors
                          2 Flowerhorns
                          3 Brown Bristlenose Plecos
                          6 Albino Bristlenose Plecos
                          2 Giraffe Catfish
                          2 Albino Peacocks
                          5 Sunshine Peacocks
                          2 Golden Puffers
                          1 Golden Nugget Pleco
                          8 Clown Loaches
                          1 Thomasi Pleco
                          25 Frontosa
                          1 False Flying Fox
                          3 Blood Parrots
                          1 Violet Red Pleco
                          1 Tooth-Nose Pleco L-007
                          1 Bolivian Ram
                          4 German Blue Rams
                          1 Venustus
                          1 Gold Royal Pleco (L-027)
                          2 Bleekeri
                          1 Tiger Pleco
                          1 Bichir
                          6 Marbled Angels
                          3 Gold Angels
                          1 Black Veiled Angel
                          2 Striped Angels
                          2 Flagtails
                          1 Highfin Catfish
                          1 Golden Algae Eater ??  Very odd looking...
                          Our Fishhouse
                          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                          • #14
                            Re: Your fish list (2008)

                            Ok i know i am gonna use a combo of common and scientific names.

                            I have

                            In the 29

                            -3 Harliquin rasboras
                            -several kinds of platys (4 total think down to 3 blue and one sunset)
                            -one surviving male endlers livebearer
                            -one surviving male mosquito fish
                            -one suriviving male sparkling guarami
                            -6 checkerboard cichlids
                            -5 dwarf crayfish (i believe to be cajun variety)
                            -3 praecox rainbows
                            -4 double red cockatoo cichlids (still juvies 3 males and 1 female, got free kinda deformed mouths but still looking colorful)
                            -2 yoyo loaches
                            -7 amano shrimp
                            -1 paraotocynclis

                            In 20 long
                            -9 golden topwater minnows ( a type of killifish, Mzungu knows)
                            - and soon to be added pumkinseed perch

                            In 20 High
                            -18 plus Least killifish
                            -8 pygmy sunfish

                            In the 2 ten gallons tanks
                            -4 tetramachromis Vittatus (shellies, and im sure i misspelled their name)
                            -2 neolamp simmilis (shelly)
                            -1 juvi melanchromis joanjoahannasee or however u spell it
                            -1 juvi Cypchromis "Blue neon"
                            -5 neolam. Brevis "sunspot" (the one female and a male will be separate soon and the other 3 will end up in the new 90 gallon most likely)
                            -1 ameca splendens
                            -1 Brichardi (common)
                            -1 Juli transcriptus or marleri "gombi" they cant decide where it goes lol

                            In the 75 gallon
                            -15 Cyp. "Blue Neon" and counting, they are breeding and have 8 fry in a net in this tank
                            -5 Gold Occies (shellies, and they broke their pairs due to lone male interfearing so i am gonna take him out i think or isolate a pair and pray)
                            -3 breeding Multis (shellies) and i dont even know how many fry.
                            -3 breeding melanachromis JJnsee (thats how i am gonna spell it now lol) and about 9 fry as well
                            -8 brichardi Daffodils (looking nice they are going in the 90 gallon)
                            -2 bristlnose plecos (might be two types because different colors)
                            -1 rubberlip pleco

                            In the 5 gallon
                            -3 clown killis
                            -5 micro raspboras
                            -lots of Red cherry shrimp

                            IN the future 90 (i have fish they are just waiting to be moved)
                            -5 Lelupi (bright orange variety)
                            -possibly Juli transcriptus
                            -1 Orange Calvus
                            - the 8 daffodils described earlier
                            -1 syno angelicus
                            -1 bristnose pleco (how he survived in the 55 i will never know)
                            -and cant decide what else, taking suggestions  

                            And I think that is all.
                            Never fear I is here
                            David Abeles
                            Vice President
                            Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                            • #15
                              Re: Your fish list (2008)

                              Oh dang i forgot the 60 planted
                              -3 red blue colombian tetras (about the size of silver dollars now, the coin not the fish)
                              -3 Siamese alge eaters
                              -a couple of coral dwarf platies
                              -a few cherry barbs
                              -and cant see what else if anything else survives

                              i have one other gombi juli but the last 2 are gonna go in the 75 once i pull out the daffodils. and maybe the melanachromis havent decided.
                              Never fear I is here
                              David Abeles
                              Vice President
                              Greater Houston Aquarium Club

