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how to keep water temp cool in Texas weather for tank outside

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  • how to keep water temp cool in Texas weather for tank outside

    Hello everyone,
    I have an old 90gals tank. I don't trust it enough to keep it inside :). So I setup outside under covered patio.
    I checked temp earlier. it was 82 F.
    I am planning to keep some guppies in there. Anyone keep fish tank outside in Houston? How do you keep water cool ?

    Thank you

  • #2
    Guppies will do fine in the heat. I have some in the shade in the back yard. They just get hungrier and grow faster!


    • #3
      Thank you Texasfishdude.
      I can move some out side in couple of weeks. I have like 50 fry now. :)


      • #4
        I'd be more worried about the cold TBH. As long as it's not in the sun, the heat shouldn't be an issue. you'll just have to take them out for the winter obviously

