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Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

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  • #16
    Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

    It looks kinda like eyebrows - dark lines over the eyes.


    • #17
      Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

      OH!!  Is this the 'eyebrow' fish you were telling us about at the swap??  
      Our Fishhouse
      Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


      • #18
        Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

        Have you tried to post this on cichlid-forum? There's a whole nother bunch of nerds that might know. I'd put money on it being a hybrid. Could it be an Auratus/Chipokae?
        So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


        • #19
          Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

          You know, I don't know that much about cichlids, but the shape of the face seems a bit different, as well. My first thought was a hybrid. Did your neighbor tell you where she bought the fish originally? That might give a clue.

          Regardless of the species, it's a beautiful fish!
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #20
            Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

            Now that I have better lighting in the tank, I think the verdict of M. Auratus is more accurate.  Here are some better pictures


            • #21
              Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

              The shape looks wrong for an Auratus.
              So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


              • #22
                Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                I give up then LOL

                It looks a lot more like the pic girlgeek posted.

                All I know is that it is too aggressive to put with my cichlids.



                • #23
                  Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                  I think it looks almost identical to the picture I found and posted.  It's very possible for it to be an auratus and not have the exact same markings or coloring of the auratus that we've generally seen.

                  I had a Pseudotropheus crabro (bumblebee cichlid) who was yellow with black stripes, until one day he went solid black.  He stayed that way for years.  It was impossible to tell he was a Pseudotropheus crabro at that point, but he was.

                  The cool thing about cichlids is their ability to change their color based on mood, dominance, fear, temperature, illness...they are amazing fish.  It still looks like an Auratus to me, and most certainly has the disposition of one.  :)
                  Our Fishhouse
                  Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                  • #24
                    Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                    No kidding.  It knew I wanted the picture - everytime I looked at it, It would stay still until it saw me about to take a picture - then it would zoom around the tank.  This is a small camera being used without flash - LOL



                    • #25
                      Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                      Man...he sure does have issues.    I think he needs a hug.  
                      Our Fishhouse
                      Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                      • #26
                        Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                        I will keep that in mind.


                        • #27
                          Re: Can anyone tell me anything about this fish?

                          Maybe it is auratus. The first set looks like a different fish.  
                          imagirlgeek, My bumblebee also turned totally black. I thought it was because he was a male. My second bumblee is still black and yellow striped. Not sure if it's a male or female. It has the egg spots, which could mean nothing.

                          BTT: Krisvalkyrie, I have my auratus with my other africans and so far he hasn't bothered anyone (living in there for 9 months now). But he is in a 160 gallon tank and he's the only auratus. My tank bully is actually my male Hongi.
                          A house without a puffer is not a Home.

