I have some plastic grate from a 4'x2' flourecent light fixture against the back wall of my tank with plants attached to it. Last night when I went to feed the fish, one of the angels was missing. I found him between the grate and the glass. I thought he was dead at first, but then saw his mouth moving. I got him freed and he was able to swim a little, but was shaking, and having trouble swimming. He would sink about 4" below the surface, then try to swim back up, but was facing straight up, and barely reaching the surface. He would try resting against the moss in the back, or against the glass, but when he wasn't against something to keep him upright, he'd lean over on his side. I moved him from the main tank into a butter bowl to keep anyone from picking on him over night. This morning he's still alive, but on his side. Is there anything I can do to help him?