Re: New Arrivals
These forums exist as a service for our members and guests to trade and sell their personal items. The following rules apply:
- Before listing an item in this forum, please update your profile to indicate your location HERE
- All items listed for sale must include a price. If you are willing to accept trades, it is also helpful to list the types of items you are interested in trading for. No auction threads will be allowed.
- No commercial listings will be allowed. If you are trading or selling equipment, repeatedly selling new equipment, having multiples of the same new item(s), or being able to "get anything" a poster may ask for is a sure-fire way to have your post removed as "commercial" and possibly banned from the site.
-HoustonFishBox does not endorse or take responsibility for any group orders that take place, period.
- Please do not start "checking interest" type threads. If you want to check interest for an item, searching other buying/selling sites (EBay, Retailers, etc.) will give you a good idea of the demand and price range for an item, so please do your research before posting here.
- These are not discussion forums. If you wish to purchase or trade, please post. However, if you only wish to comment on the quality of someone else's trade item or their price, with no intention of buying/trading, please keep it to yourself. So what this means if there is questioning with interest in mind then it's ok.
- Please be sure to respond to a listing in the manner in which the original poster requested. For example, if they specifically say to send email, then sending a PM is a waste of time and could hurt your chances of getting the item.
- There is no need to respond with posts such as "PM sent". It does not guarantee your place in line or reserve an item for you. The seller is free to sell the item to whoever they want, regardless of who posted first.
-If your item sells, then put up a SOLD post.
These forums exist as a service for our members and guests to trade and sell their personal items. The following rules apply:
- Before listing an item in this forum, please update your profile to indicate your location HERE
- All items listed for sale must include a price. If you are willing to accept trades, it is also helpful to list the types of items you are interested in trading for. No auction threads will be allowed.
- No commercial listings will be allowed. If you are trading or selling equipment, repeatedly selling new equipment, having multiples of the same new item(s), or being able to "get anything" a poster may ask for is a sure-fire way to have your post removed as "commercial" and possibly banned from the site.
-HoustonFishBox does not endorse or take responsibility for any group orders that take place, period.
- Please do not start "checking interest" type threads. If you want to check interest for an item, searching other buying/selling sites (EBay, Retailers, etc.) will give you a good idea of the demand and price range for an item, so please do your research before posting here.
- These are not discussion forums. If you wish to purchase or trade, please post. However, if you only wish to comment on the quality of someone else's trade item or their price, with no intention of buying/trading, please keep it to yourself. So what this means if there is questioning with interest in mind then it's ok.
- Please be sure to respond to a listing in the manner in which the original poster requested. For example, if they specifically say to send email, then sending a PM is a waste of time and could hurt your chances of getting the item.
- There is no need to respond with posts such as "PM sent". It does not guarantee your place in line or reserve an item for you. The seller is free to sell the item to whoever they want, regardless of who posted first.
-If your item sells, then put up a SOLD post.