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I moved!

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  • I moved!

    I moved into a house last weekend out of my crappy townhome. Now I won't have to worry about power outages when I leave for the weekend killing my fish!  :evil: When I moved the tank I put on a black OceanVisions background. I also took out the black Estes gravel (that I paid $40 for only to have it rust) and put in Soilmaster Select. Actually, after I bought it and was home looking at the bag, the guy sold me Pro's Choice Select. It seems to be the exact same thing as Soilmaster Select. I really like it and I didn't think I would. I also thought my fiance would hate the color, but he thinks it looks really good. Now all I need is lights and plants and my show-tank will be complete!


  • #2
    Re: I moved!

    That looks Great!


    • #3
      Re: I moved!

      Looks good. I love bowfronts.
      Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

      Been in hobby since March 2006


      • #4
        Re: I moved!

        Thanks for the nice comments! I love bowfronts too. :) Next on the wishlist is the 72 of course!  



        • #5
          Re: I moved!

          Update with a few live plants. I'm waiting to get more until I have better lighting.


          • #6
            Re: I moved!

            looks like the tank is coming along very nicely. very pretty angels.
            Never fear I is here
            David Abeles
            Vice President
            Greater Houston Aquarium Club


            • #7
              Re: I moved!

              Lookin' good...! I don't know if you talked about this elsewhere, but can I ask what the substrate is? I really like it! And also, what are the plants? It looks like you have some crypts, and maybe a sword or anubias or both? Am I way off? Again, it looks really nice.
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #8
                Re: I moved!

                Looks great Ellen!  I'm thinking about a bow front as well.  First I have to find a place to put one and that is really a challenge.  I'm out of walls!!! 8O
                Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                • #9
                  Re: I moved!

                  When I first herd the term it was in reference to puting a layer of peat or potting soil in the botom of the tank,  covering it with a sheet or 2 of newspaper and then adding the gravel.

                  This was supposed to give the plants something to root (poke a hole and insert a plant) but also keep the potting soil from making the water clowdy.

                  Ofcourse. now days you can get "substrait" designed specificly for that purpose.
                  'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                  He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                  • #10
                    Re: I moved!

                    Thanks for the compliments everybody!

                    The substrate was supposed to be Soilmaster Select, but the guy at the Lesco sold me Pro's Choice Select. I think its the exact same thing, different name. :) It turned out to be exactly what I was expecting. It is baked clay sold for baseball fields. It also comes in Charcoal, which lots of aquarists want because its black, not red, but I from plant boards I visit, I think the only place they currently have it in stock is in FL.  8O And you have to order the entire pallet to get some of it, and who needs that much dirt?! I didn't think I would like the red so much, but I find it very earthy, and I don't think it takes away from my fish like I thought it would. Its also not RED like I thought it would be.  

                    The plants are from those tubes you can buy at the chain stores. I got impatient and didn't have time to make a trip to Houston.  :(  They're still pretty new so I guess we'll see how they do. I was expecting the leaves to turn brown or fall off because I know they're grown emersed, but that hasn't been the case. The 2 large plants came in the same tube and are a type of Sword (but I forget what kind!   ) The six small plants came in another tube and are Amazon Swords. If they thrive, I guess I'll be having some plants to give away.   I want to get more Swords and a nice big piece of driftwood.


