i see everyone putting f1 with fish whats the f1 mean?
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whats f1?
Re: whats f1?
** The following information is borrowed from several sources and does include some editing for content and my personal thoughts **
The F number system as most fish people today refer to is generation map for fish which are imported from natural habitat.
In the Cichlid world the F stands for what generation fish is from a wild caught parent. Â Most cichlids have been successfully breed in captivity therefore tracking the fishs generational age is important as some fish quickly looses traits because they are tank breed. Â
** Quoted from thefishguy7 on monsterfish ** Â "there is a noticeable difference between wild caught fish and tank raised fish. Wild labiatus have larger lips, wild managuense larger teeth, not to mention how much more desirable an F0 oscar is compared to a tank raised oscar. These traits are lost after generations in captivity as they are no longer needed."
The F number system is using the same system used in the Filial generations used in genetics and plant hybridization.
F0 = wild caught fish.
F1 = 1st generation tank raised -- spawn of F0 Male and F0 female
F2 = 2nd generation tank raised -- spawn of F1 Male and F1 female, or a combination of 1 F0 and 1 F1 parent, in either case F2 fry.
F3 = 3rd generation tank raised -- spawn of F2 Male and F2 Female, or any combination of which one of the parents is Less than F2 and an F2 parent, ie F1+F2 = F3 or F0+F2 = F3.
Anything over F3 is not tracked.
A pair of F0 (Wildcaught) fish will forever until they die make F1 fry, not F1, then F2, then F3 etc...
Pond raised fish ie they are still coming from Africa, but because they are pond raised there are considered by "Fanatics" to be F3 fish, and this relates to the fact that after two full generations in a tank, the fish will have adapted to its enviroment and certain traits will which most people will only see in true F0 and to some extend in F1 and F2 and gone by F3.
What fish do Jesper have
180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
110 Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
58 S. Decorus
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher
Re: whats f1?
Pondrasied fish are pondraised fish, there is no telling if a Wild fish is mating with another wild fish, F1 fish, or F-5000 fish. Â ITs pondraised.
Honestly F3 if properly maintained in breeding quality could very well be better than pondraised.
Jesper is right that, most people after F2 just go ahead call them tankraised fish.380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola
Re: whats f1?
just curious, if a fish is extinct in the wild but still available in the aquaria - is that given a different designation? Â or is that "anal"yzing it too much?65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted
live and let live
Re: whats f1?
I have not read anything that has said anything about the lineage changing with extinct fish as long as there is a traceable lineage.
I am with Geoff, Pondraised is pondraised and not considered of any generation since there is no way of knowing.
To go further into the idea mixed F1 bloodlines would be IMO much better then having F1's from the same bloodline creating F2's.700g Mini-Monster tank