So I recently helped some friends set up a ten gallon tank in their house which they'll be using (God-willing) to house some of the my glofish fry when they reach a reasonable size. They had a (est.) seven/eight gallon set-up (one of those pre-made, eclipse-like hex tanks with built-in filter, light) and gave it to me, saying they only needed the one tank and the ten gallon offers a bit more width for the danios who need more room.
Anyway, I'm thinking about using the 7 gallon for something, but I haven't decided what. Since the enclosure has a built-in filter that descends from the top, this tank would best be served as a completely aquatic set-up. So, I thought of maybe some small, aquatic salamanders or newts, except that they seem to be IMPOSSIBLE to acquire these days except by expensive online purchase and shipping (plus, as you know, living in Houston does little for the animal's health in transit). So, I'm thinking about adding fish instead!
I've done some research, and it seems like you could house a small school of cardinal tetras, neon tetras, guppies (though we already have more guppies + fry than we need), maybe killies, a gourami pair, a couple of female bettas and a male, an all-shrimp enclosure, or some dwarf puffers (the sort that reach roughly 1" at adulthood).
What do you all think? Any suggestions, comments, or ideas would be appreciated!
P.S. Since my last comment received a wash of "What's the QUESTION?! For God's sake, WHY ISN'T THERE A CLEAR QUESTION?!?!?!" (or something like that) Here's the cliff-notes version:
"What single or groups of fish could live comfortably in a 7 gallon tank (with adequate filtration and maintenance of the bio-load, nitrate, etc)?"
Anyway, I'm thinking about using the 7 gallon for something, but I haven't decided what. Since the enclosure has a built-in filter that descends from the top, this tank would best be served as a completely aquatic set-up. So, I thought of maybe some small, aquatic salamanders or newts, except that they seem to be IMPOSSIBLE to acquire these days except by expensive online purchase and shipping (plus, as you know, living in Houston does little for the animal's health in transit). So, I'm thinking about adding fish instead!
I've done some research, and it seems like you could house a small school of cardinal tetras, neon tetras, guppies (though we already have more guppies + fry than we need), maybe killies, a gourami pair, a couple of female bettas and a male, an all-shrimp enclosure, or some dwarf puffers (the sort that reach roughly 1" at adulthood).
What do you all think? Any suggestions, comments, or ideas would be appreciated!
P.S. Since my last comment received a wash of "What's the QUESTION?! For God's sake, WHY ISN'T THERE A CLEAR QUESTION?!?!?!" (or something like that) Here's the cliff-notes version:
"What single or groups of fish could live comfortably in a 7 gallon tank (with adequate filtration and maintenance of the bio-load, nitrate, etc)?"