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angle experts ... need help/advice

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  • angle experts ... need help/advice

    Okay ... have always loved angles ... and have kept many of them over the years ... however, I've never tried breeding them.  Now, I'm not trying to become a breeder in any way ... but my wife (who's never shown an interest before we were married) has decided she wants angle babies  

    And so, my question is this ... let's say for argument sake I have a breeding pair, or at least a two angles that have paired off.  Can I sucessfully breed them in a tank that was say ... just them, plants and maybe a school of neons or even tetras?  I've read that the parenting instincts of the angles have pretty much been bred out of them ... not sure if that's true ... but I don't think I've actually seen pictures of frys with their parents like I've seen them with Discus.  I just don't want to go through the whole process of setting up a breeding thank and a fry tank when I'm not planning on actually "breeding" them.

    Just wondering if it was possible, or should I tell me wife to stick with guppies and the such.

    There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.

  • #2
    Re: angle experts ... need help/advice

    Hey, I am not a expert breeder but that the way I breed my angels:
    I let them lay their eggs in my community tank (On a tile, plastic pipe or a leaf). Then The first couple of hours, both parents will guard the eggs again the other fishes in the tank and fertilize them. Once you are sure that the eggs are fertelized you have to take the egg out (Cut the leaf, take of the whole pipe or tile)and put them in a 10 Galons tank with Methylen Blue, and some areation. FYI In 90% of the case the parents will eat them. Then in 48 hours the eggs will hatch. They will feed from their sak for about 4 days after hatching. Then you need to prepare a hatchery for Brine Shrinp because that all they are going to eat the first month (You can find brine shrimp eggs in any pet store). Make sure to change 25% of the water of the fries every two or three days and everything should be fine.



    • #3
      Re: angle experts ... need help/advice

      I have some pairs that will parent raise and some that will not. It is possible for angels to spawn in a community tank, but the odds of fry survival are pretty slim. I pull most of the spawns and hatch them out seperately as has been mentioned. I use a one gallon jug and place the slate with the eggs on it, inside a 10 gallon tank, the 10 gallon tank has a sponge filter in it and a heater, so the water in the 10 gallon tank maintains the temperature in the one gallon jug. I put an air stone in the one gallon jug and use 5 drops of acriflavine. I do a water change in the jug daily and by the time the fry are free swimming the acriflavine is all gone, then I just release them into the 10 gallon tank. about 12 hours after free swimming I start feeding them bbs, which I do about 4 to 5 times daily. I siphon out the left over bbs about 10 to 15 minutes after every feeding as the fry are very susceptible to any bacteria at this stage and will have deformed fins if they swim in the bacterial laden bottom if the bbs are not siphoned out.

