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    I set up my 55 gallons a couple of wks ago. and my ph level is still sitting at 8.4. i heard seashell could cause the ph to raise, is that true? i have a few bamboo plant in there, im using two emperor 400 filter system. and my ammonia level is a lil bit high also. nitrate and nitrite are doing fine. just gave 3 of my chiclid fishes and my jardini away except for my arowana that is sitting in there by himself..My arowana seem to be doing fine...Did i put in too many fishes? Am I doing something wrong???  Thanks for any input..

    here are some picture what I have in my tank...a few holey rock, bamboo plant and seashell

  • #2
    Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

    I would not have fish in there if the ammonia is detectable.

    a pH of 8.4 is a bit high but honestly nothing out of the ordinary for Houston waters. What kind of substrate are you using? What decorative rocks?
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

      The holy rock is lime stone and naturally raises ph in a fish tank but that would be fine for the arrowana and for cichlids


      • #4
        Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

        i just tested my ammonia level and its at the green level using both the strip and liquid. should i do a water change? this is the first cycle of my tank, and i did a water 20% water change a few days ago. Is it because I have no beneficial bacteria going yet?????


        • #5
          Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

          Your tank is cycling, tnn. You should do successive water changes until the ammonia level gets below .5 ppm. At a ph that high, ammonia is extremely poisonous to your fish, and you still have a nitrite spike to look foward to. I'd keep doing large volume water changes until you get through the cycle. I wouldn't let ammonia and later nitrite get above .5 ppm for very long. Your bacteria will still grow, just maybe a little slower. The danger to your fish during a cycle is a real one.

          What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

          Robert Anson Heinlein


          • #6
            Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

            When doing water changes to remove ammonia it is important to do large enough water changes.  Doing a 20% change will only remove 20% of the ammonia.  Getting the ammonia out is more important than keeping the water stable, especially in high ph situations.  I would do 50% water changes every few hours until your ammonia is below .5.


            • #7
              Re: HIGH PH, WHAT TO DO???

              thanks guy, i will do that....

