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Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in htown?

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  • Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in htown?

    Hi guys,

    I'm looking for some tiger datnoids and KK Parrots to go in my 180g tank. I'm in the process of breaking down my tank and looking for some new fish. Also anybody know were some black arowannas?


  • #2
    Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

    Good luck finding any decent black arowanas....

    I think HoustonAquariumWarehouse has the tiger Dats as well as might want to go through the LFS section in the Announcements part of the forum and call around. Extreme pets usually has stuff like the kingkong though....him and Global Fish & pets.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto


      Thanks for the tips. I was just at Dan's and he said they are not for sale. Someone else already got them. I will try fish ranch and global. Is extreme the one by hong kong? I saw them there but the prices seemed kinda high.


      • #4
        Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

        Yeah by HongKong.....haggle him, he's asian.  :wink:
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

          Yeah I thought about that too. It's just his starting price was already high. I bough a few of these 4-5 years ago and they were $60 each. He wanted like $120. Thats why I was looking for another source.


          • #6
            Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

            I doubt you will find $60.....I am sure Extreme will come close if you haggle with him...he's a cool guy and will drop some.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

              I know of a few King Kong Parrots who are currently homeless. I'll ask and see if they are for sale. Let you know on Monday, if you're still looking.
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #8
                Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto


                Please let me know.

                Thanks man


                • #9
                  Re: Where to buy Tiger Datnoids and King Kong Parrots in hto

                  I was thinking I saw some large parrots at fish gallery last time I was there.  

                  I would go for the homeless parrots first if available.
                  There is no "normal" life, it's just life so get on with it.

                  210g Mixed Reef Build
         Reef Build/

                  430g Mixed Reef Build

