I really like these things, but I haven't been able to work them into my setups. What do you keep with them and how do you feed them?
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Bichirs - Polypterus
Re: Bichirs - Polypterus
they rend to do well with large cichlids (mostly south american) when they are small you can get them to eat a variety or things, mine would eat flakes even but mostly frozen, bloodworms, mysis that sort of thing. i think they are really cool but i dont have a tank really big enough for them (well that isnt planted and that tank aint going through any kind of change anytime soon.)
Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club
Re: Bichirs - Polypterus
yeah frozen can get expensive and it take away valuable bagel bite freezer space. but hey at least you dont have frozen baby mice in your freezer like i do for my sand boas.Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club
Re: Bichirs - Polypterus
I feed mine hikari chiclid pellets. once in a while a feeder. but they are rapid;ly growing and i placed them in a 20 gallon to grow alittle, but my chiclids are still young and small in my main tank. So i might have to sell them, i might keep my albino sengalus, and sell my ornate that is becoming a pig.Plecos:
L083 (Gibby)
L104 (Clown)
L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
L155 (A. Hystrix)
L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
LDA72 (BN)
LDA76 (False Zebra)
Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
Rineloricaria lancelota
Re: Bichirs - Polypterus
well there you go Ken they can convert to dry food as well, looks like you dont have a reason not to get them now. Oh and i believe tim and i are gonna keep a look out for that texas holey rock pieces for you.Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club