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Bichirs - Polypterus

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  • Bichirs - Polypterus

    I really like these things, but I haven't been able to work them into my setups. What do you keep with them and how do you feed them?

  • #2
    Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

    I've got 2 small ones (just got them yesterday) in a 29G with 4 plecos and a florida gar.

    They eat feeder fish.

    Back in the day, I used to keep a pair in a cichild tank - jaguar cichilds and oscars.


    • #3
      Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

      they rend to do well with large cichlids (mostly south american) when they are small you can get them to eat a variety or things, mine would eat flakes even but mostly frozen, bloodworms, mysis that sort of thing. i think they are really cool but i dont have a tank really big enough for them (well that isnt planted and that tank aint going through any kind of change anytime soon. )
      Never fear I is here
      David Abeles
      Vice President
      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


      • #4
        Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

        hmmm... I don't think I want to go the frozen food route again. That was one of the pluses of getting away from saltwater tanks. :wink:


        • #5
          Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

          I've never seen mine eat anything but feeders and I kept them for a few years.


          • #6
            Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

            yeah frozen can get expensive and it take away valuable bagel bite freezer space. but hey at least you dont have frozen baby mice in your freezer like i do for my sand boas.
            Never fear I is here
            David Abeles
            Vice President
            Greater Houston Aquarium Club


            • #7
              Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

              I feed mine hikari chiclid pellets. once in a while a feeder. but they are rapid;ly growing and i placed them in a 20 gallon to grow alittle, but my chiclids are still young and small in my main tank. So i might have to sell them, i might keep my albino sengalus, and sell my ornate that is becoming a pig.
              L083 (Gibby)
              L104 (Clown)
              L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
              L155 (A. Hystrix)
              L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
              LDA72 (BN)
              LDA76 (False Zebra)
              Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
              Rineloricaria lancelota


              • #8
                Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

                update - my two polypterus definitely eat cichild food - pellets and sticks


                • #9
                  Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

                  mine do too. they like the hikari gold. But bichirs arn't fussy eaters, just messy.
                  L083 (Gibby)
                  L104 (Clown)
                  L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
                  L155 (A. Hystrix)
                  L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
                  LDA72 (BN)
                  LDA76 (False Zebra)
                  Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
                  Rineloricaria lancelota


                  • #10
                    Re: Bichirs - Polypterus

                    well there you go Ken they can convert to dry food as well, looks like you dont have a reason not to get them now. Oh and i believe tim and i are gonna keep a look out for that texas holey rock pieces for you.
                    Never fear I is here
                    David Abeles
                    Vice President
                    Greater Houston Aquarium Club

