I got a fish story to tell.
I was almost got into a fist fight with the Lowe's manager on Fairmont Parkway and Beltway 8 Saturday morning because of D-Cell batteries.
I got up at 7am and went to find any store open in case my electric was not restored soon. I was running on (2) Marine Deep Cycle batteries, but just in case they failed I needed backup. I found the Lowes to be open and it had a small line that had formned. I pulled in, got out, and asked first if they would take Debit, credit card, check etc..and they said they are taking it all. So, Happier than Michael Jackson at a Daycare, I got into line.
After about 1 hour, I got into the store. They were letting about 10-15 customers in at a time, and the entire time you were in the store a sales asscoaite was with you to find what you were looking for and get you out quickly from the store.
When I got into the store I was asked what I was looking for. I told them I was looking for D-Cell batteries and Powerinverters. So the associate said, ok lets get the batteries first. He asked me how many I needed, and I told him SEVENTY. They come in 4-packs so I ended up with 72. The guys face about dropped and asked me why I needed so many, and I told him about the battery operated air pumps and they last only 4-6 hours, and how many tanks I got. So he was totally cool. Then we went to automotive section and they did not have any inverters, so I suggested lets go look at the Electronics section. And there they were, 150Watt inverters. I got (2) one for me, and (1) for my neighbor. I told him I needed about 200 ft of extension cord, and I got a 100ft section, and (2) 50ft sections with 3-way splitters on the end.
Very happy and extremely relieved that I was able to get the inverters, I told the associate that I was going to put back most of the D-cells, and that he could go and get another customer in the store to help. The D-cells were right by the Cashier so he had no problem with that.
So I whent to the Display of D-cell batteries and there were thousands of them, so me taking the 72 was no big deal, but I did not need them, but I felt like I should keep about 20 just in case. So here is where it gets good...
While I am there UNLOADING the D-cell batteries the manager comes over and says HEY you cannot take that many, people will need flashlights, I am going to limit those to 6 packs per coustomer. I told him, sir here is my situation, I need these for battery operated air pumps I got fish that are dying. HE said SIR..People NEED FLASHLIGHTS. I told him if they need flashlights, they can burn a faWKin candle.... When I said that the people around there and the cashier looked at me like I was crazy and had that look on their faces like...SIr people will need flashlights. So I said, fine I will put them back but I am taking some extra, adn you need to tell your employesss about that and put up a FAWKING sign that there is a limit!!!
Then the manager watched me put them back with a couple of his "goon" employees, and when I got to 6 I grabbed 2 more and said I'm taking theses with a very look of I 'm going to stomp your *** in the dirt if you say no. So...he gave me one more pack and said I had to leave.
To finish the storey off, as I was driving back to my apartment, the street lights came on. I got to my apartment and saw people's lights on.
I could've been arrested for my fish...
I can see the headlines...crazed fish keeper whoops Lowe's manager A$$ over D-Cells batteries... 8) 8)
I was almost got into a fist fight with the Lowe's manager on Fairmont Parkway and Beltway 8 Saturday morning because of D-Cell batteries.
I got up at 7am and went to find any store open in case my electric was not restored soon. I was running on (2) Marine Deep Cycle batteries, but just in case they failed I needed backup. I found the Lowes to be open and it had a small line that had formned. I pulled in, got out, and asked first if they would take Debit, credit card, check etc..and they said they are taking it all. So, Happier than Michael Jackson at a Daycare, I got into line.
After about 1 hour, I got into the store. They were letting about 10-15 customers in at a time, and the entire time you were in the store a sales asscoaite was with you to find what you were looking for and get you out quickly from the store.
When I got into the store I was asked what I was looking for. I told them I was looking for D-Cell batteries and Powerinverters. So the associate said, ok lets get the batteries first. He asked me how many I needed, and I told him SEVENTY. They come in 4-packs so I ended up with 72. The guys face about dropped and asked me why I needed so many, and I told him about the battery operated air pumps and they last only 4-6 hours, and how many tanks I got. So he was totally cool. Then we went to automotive section and they did not have any inverters, so I suggested lets go look at the Electronics section. And there they were, 150Watt inverters. I got (2) one for me, and (1) for my neighbor. I told him I needed about 200 ft of extension cord, and I got a 100ft section, and (2) 50ft sections with 3-way splitters on the end.
Very happy and extremely relieved that I was able to get the inverters, I told the associate that I was going to put back most of the D-cells, and that he could go and get another customer in the store to help. The D-cells were right by the Cashier so he had no problem with that.
So I whent to the Display of D-cell batteries and there were thousands of them, so me taking the 72 was no big deal, but I did not need them, but I felt like I should keep about 20 just in case. So here is where it gets good...
While I am there UNLOADING the D-cell batteries the manager comes over and says HEY you cannot take that many, people will need flashlights, I am going to limit those to 6 packs per coustomer. I told him, sir here is my situation, I need these for battery operated air pumps I got fish that are dying. HE said SIR..People NEED FLASHLIGHTS. I told him if they need flashlights, they can burn a faWKin candle.... When I said that the people around there and the cashier looked at me like I was crazy and had that look on their faces like...SIr people will need flashlights. So I said, fine I will put them back but I am taking some extra, adn you need to tell your employesss about that and put up a FAWKING sign that there is a limit!!!
Then the manager watched me put them back with a couple of his "goon" employees, and when I got to 6 I grabbed 2 more and said I'm taking theses with a very look of I 'm going to stomp your *** in the dirt if you say no. So...he gave me one more pack and said I had to leave.
To finish the storey off, as I was driving back to my apartment, the street lights came on. I got to my apartment and saw people's lights on.
I could've been arrested for my fish...
I can see the headlines...crazed fish keeper whoops Lowe's manager A$$ over D-Cells batteries... 8) 8)
