Re: Hurricane Ike - Fish Stories
yay, we have power again.... its about time, Im very thankful. Well, I just wanted to say most of our fish are alive we lost around ten fish total. We did not have any aerators or anything, we were constantly stirring the tanks every hour and blowing through airstones. We lost blood parrots, vampire pleco, servums, firemouths, yellow labs, and a peacok. Im glad to here that everyone is ok and trying to recover from this disaster. Im sorry to hear about everyone losses both fish and home wise, everyone is in my prayers.
yay, we have power again.... its about time, Im very thankful. Well, I just wanted to say most of our fish are alive we lost around ten fish total. We did not have any aerators or anything, we were constantly stirring the tanks every hour and blowing through airstones. We lost blood parrots, vampire pleco, servums, firemouths, yellow labs, and a peacok. Im glad to here that everyone is ok and trying to recover from this disaster. Im sorry to hear about everyone losses both fish and home wise, everyone is in my prayers.