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Your greatest fish moment....

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  • Your greatest fish moment....

    I love hearing stories people have about their fish...and me and my husband sure have plenty! Some weren't what I would call "greatest", more like "disasters" but that can be a different thread haha....

    One of my proudest fish keeping stories was actually an accident. We drove to Fish-R-Fun, and my hubby buys a catfish (don't know why...but he loves catfish!) So we get home, and in the bag I see all this tiny floating things in the water...turns out they were fry! My hubby says "Holy s***! There were 2 red devils in that tank!!" So, we scrambled, got our spare 10 gallon set up and he fished out as many fry as he could. Now I am thinking at this point "Geat REAL! No way these are going to survive. And I'm NOT taking care of these little things if they do!!" Well...guess who went and bought fry food? Guess who watched these little guys getting bigger and more active? Who watched them endlessly, eating and swimming and rising to the top of the tank when I got home from work and turned the lights on?

    So, when we bought this house and were getting ready to move the tanks and the fish (can you say ORDEAL?!?) my husband telle me we have to get rid of these little red devils. Well...I was like "Oh no we're not..they are my babies!!!" So, we compromised and we decided to keep we get the tank emptied, took the fry to a lfs and they took them (they were actually a good size at this point). Well turns out we kept 5 not 4, but oh well. In this new house, they grew some more, and finally we moved them to the 200 gallon. The bigger they got, the more aggressive they were we had to get rid of them. I kept one...he's my pride and joy since I was there with him from the beginning! He's such a cool fish and I can't believe I was the one who raised this little guy into the devil he is today!!

  • #2
    Re: Your greatest fish moment....

    I was doing the LFS tour and found a mom & pop store with a very large male & female albino Paradice which I just could not resist.

    I got home late and didn't have an iolation tank set up so I grabbed a 2'x2' styrofoam shipping box, added a couple of galons of of water and some floating plants, released the fish and went to bed.

    Imagin my supprise the next morning when I went to check on them and they had spawned.

    Next time I was visiting that LPS I told the story of them spawning and the owner explained to me that he had been trying to get them to spawn for over a year and had finaly given up.
    'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
    He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


    • #3
      Re: Your greatest fish moment....

      When my Bristlenose pleco beat the $#!t out of a green terror i got for free.
      This GT was picking on all my plecos, which are my favorite fish, Finally biting the triraditate BN. The pleco turns around, who is 3" at the time to the GT's 5", and headbutts the fish in a corner to near death. after that the GT only picked on smaller plecs, then my clown pleco, who is smaller 2.5", got fed up and started biting the GT all over the tank, Until he surrendered up at the top. and that's when i sold him, the GT. He learned his lesson, and became my favorite plecos.
      L083 (Gibby)
      L104 (Clown)
      L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
      L155 (A. Hystrix)
      L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
      LDA72 (BN)
      LDA76 (False Zebra)
      Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
      Rineloricaria lancelota

