I have been wanting to get some more fish but dont know if I might already have enough in the tank. 125 gal,1 wet/dry,1-eheim, this is whats in here already. I also have a 125 I purchased for my store but the store isnt ready so its sitting empty,should I put a filter/bio balls or whatever on the current occupied tank and let it start running and cycling?
2-blood parrots
2-bala sharks
10-tiger barbs
1-tin foil barb
5-silver dollars
3-small plecos
1-pleco looking catfish?
I saw that 1000 gallon on CL that would be cool in the store but looks like its used up......
2-blood parrots
2-bala sharks
10-tiger barbs
1-tin foil barb
5-silver dollars
3-small plecos
1-pleco looking catfish?
I saw that 1000 gallon on CL that would be cool in the store but looks like its used up......