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How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

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  • How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

    I just broke out my electric space heater and pluged it in my fishroom on low......

    Used to have an old radiant gas heater that worked even if the power went out, but it got lost in the last move.  
    'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
    He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'

  • #2
    Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

    I have central a/c-heating.
    Tanks have heaters on them as added precaution along with controllers to monitor/controll the temps.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

      is it possible to put too big of a heater in your tank. i have a 22 gal tank and all i have is a 250 watt heater. is that too big?
      250gallon-Wild Angels, community


      • #4
        Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

        No such thing since a larger heater will keep it more stabilized and have the power to bring the temps back into desired range faster..... but on the same note if that heater were to flip on you it would have the power to boil the tank and kill everything.

        I prefer to use multiple under rated heaters to spread the odds of malfunction between multiple heaters but yet still have the total power to be able to keep things where desired.

        All the concerns can be solved with a simple temp controller.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

          There is no such thing as a heater too big.  Just faulty thermostats.  
          'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
          He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


          • #6
            Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

            I dont have a this a necessity? my house is warm...


            • #7
              Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

              If you can keep the room temp stable and new water close there shouldn't be much of a need.

              although having a heater would allow you to better control the temp swings and keep things a bit more stable which is always good.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                what is the correct temp range?


                • #9
                  Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                  That all depends on the fish! What type of fish are you keeping?
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • #10
                    Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                    I have...
                    2 blood parrots
                    10 tiger barbs
                    2 guaramis
                    tin foil barb
                    2 bala sharks
                    and some other assorted stuff
                    125 gal

                    what other fish mix with these anyway if someone knows......I saw tim selling some too....


                    • #11
                      Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                      Originally posted by liljack";p="
                      what is the correct temp range?

                      Most range from 65-89.

                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                        Originally posted by newb";p="
                        is it possible to put too big of a heater in your tank. i have a 22 gal tank and all i have is a 250 watt heater. is that too big?
                        I would watch the temp the 1st day and make sure you don't have a faulty thermostat. A big heater can heat up a small tank real fast and real high.

                        Two days ago I had to move some smaller heaters to the 10G fry tanks so I put a 300w on a 20G which I keep 2 Oranda and a school of rasboras.
                        The next morning the water got real hot, I guess high 80 or 90, all the rasboras disappeared. We were still trying to figure what happened to them and one oranda spit out half a skeleton of a rasbora and that was the end of that.

                        I removed the heater and this morning the water got real cold even though I had central heat set at 75F.
                        The oranda did not seem to mind one way or the other.  :)


                        • #13
                          Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                          The oranda should be able to handle the cold with no problems. I just ordered a few 400 W Hydor's and a 300 W Stealth last week . Still waiting on them to come in. Luckly I had a heater in the ponds outside. It was 36 over here this morning.



                          • #14
                            Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                            I like to give my fish hugs..
                            380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                            300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                            180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                            150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                            • #15
                              Re: How do you keep your fish warm on a cold winter night ?

                              I only run heaters in tanks near a window, or on the groud floor level.

                              I like to keep my water 75 to 82 it starts dipping below that I add a heater
                              380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                              300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                              180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                              150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola

