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fish tanks gone wild! (29g cichlid journal)

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  • fish tanks gone wild! (29g cichlid journal)

    Exactly one week after the infamous HAS auction where I realized my unfounded obsession with pretty fish, we set up another tank :)  

    It's a 29g that now houses my three Paratilapias and a few Yellow Labs.  Even though the Paratilapias are so small, they were showing signs of aggresion in the 12g, so we decided to counter it with new friends and a bigger tank.  

    So far all is well, one of the baby Labs looks a little shaken up after the move, but over all they are getting along swimmingly! (teehee)

    Now, here comes the fun part.  Please note the before and after pictures below.  In the house Spyke and I just moved into we took out the old bathroom sink cabinet to put in a pedestal sink, and the old one was in the garage.  We didn't have a stand for the 29g and were planning on using a dresser or another table.  But, in a moment of brilliance :) I thought we could use the old sink.  

    After all, it DOES have holes cut in the back for the faucet where we could drop all the cords and tubes and the Eheim filter can just go in the cabinet below.  AND, we have drawers for the chemicals and food!  (I can hear your ooooooohs and ahhhhhhhs)

    Although the wood trim on the tank does match the sink cabinet, I used a piece of fabric to lay over the sink to disguise it a bit.  

    I made a little cave out of the lace rock we got from a friend and the wood and Anubias (one long leaf and notice the little Nana Petite :)) make the tank look a bit softer.  

    So there it is.  A DIY project you can do yourself using an old bathroom sink!

  • #2
    Re: fish tanks gone wild!

    I like the idea of a cabinet as a stand.
    Fish are people too, they just have gills.


    • #3
      Re: fish tanks gone wild!



      • #4
        Re: fish tanks gone wild!

        Looking good.   With such a creative mind, you must be left handed too.  
        'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
        He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


        • #5
          Re: fish tanks gone wild!

          how did you know??  lol


          • #6
            Re: fish tanks gone wild!

            Just imagine how many other unique stands you may be able to come up with.  Do your cats play with and slam cabinet doors like one of mine does?
            Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


            • #7
              Re: fish tanks gone wild!

              LOL- no slamming doors yet.

              But my black cat, Lucy knows how to use her paws to open drawers so she can climb in them to sleep.  She was doing it all last night while we were setting up the tank....  She cracks me up.


              • #8
                Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                Just a suggestion, not a requirement by any means, but I like to add air into all my tanks.
                You might consider adding a air sponge in the back of the tank if you have room. Adding an air sponge will not only add more air into the tank, it will aid in cleaning the lower part of the water table.

                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #9
                  Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                  We have to get a new o ring for the Eheim, but once we have that filter going, won't that add Oxygen to the tank?


                  • #10
                    Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                    A canister filter cannot provide the amount of air that an air sponge will...
                    Again, it's just a matter of personal choice...maybe a powerhead with a sponge filter on it?

                    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                    • #11
                      Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                      We do have a powerhead Spyke wants to put on there, and I think it does have a sponge filter on it.... :)


                      • #12
                        Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                        I've added a few plants, and covered the back with some fabric to hide all the cords.  My Paratilapias are getting bigger, and the baby yellow lab is feeling better :)  

                        I added another cave near the wood with a flat quartz crystal I had (they needed more places to hide.)  I'm gonna add one more cave on the far right in the back with a few more rocks.  And Spyke had an extra powerhead we added to give the little guys lots of oxygen....

                        Once Spyke's bristlenose babies get a little bigger we'll put one in this tank, too.  Although I have to say with these veracious feeders, there's not usually much food left on the bottom!

                        I hope to get to the store this weekend and get my baby Paratilapias their first live food :)

                        I am completely open to suggestions.  Just because I may not heed your advice doesn't mean I don't want ot hear it!

                        Have a great weekend.

                        This little lab thinks she's a Paratilapia :)


                        • #13
                          Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                          Great Job!


                          • #14
                            Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                            Thanks, Raul :)

                            I can't take all the credit, though.  Spyke provided all the equpment and tank expertise, I just made it look pretty to go with my pretty fish- lol!


                            • #15
                              Re: fish tanks gone wild!

                              I keep it alive, She makes it pretty

