this is my 75G Oddball Community Tank.
Fish List -
1x Albino Dino Bichir
1x Regular Dino Bichir
1x Albino Tiger Oscar
1x WC Synodontis Polli
1x Pictus Catfish
1x Hoplo Catfish
1x WC Pair Brown Bristlenose Plecos
Soon To Come -
1x Polypterus Endichleri
3x Red Hook Silver Dollars
1x Synodontis Eupterus(Feather Fin Cat)
Tank Specs -
Lighting -
48" Custom Sealife 4x 96watt Compact Flourescent light Running 4x 96watt CF 50/50 Bulbs
light is on a timer, runs from 9am - 9pm
Heating -
1x Eheim Jagger 250watt heater
Filtration & Circulation -
1x Eheim Classic 2217 Canister Filter
going to add another as soon as possible
1x Hydor Koralia 2 Powerhead
going to add another asap aswell
Decor -
~200lbs of BIG Flagstone Rocks 11 rocks total
2x Small hidden Pieces of Maylaysian Driftwood, for the plecos
Plants -
All Fake From Micheals and Hobby Lobby
Background -
Black Felt Cut to fit
Other -
CoralLife Digital Thermometer
Full Tank Shot -

Albino Tiger Oscar -

Albino Tiger Oscar Close Up -

Regular Dino Bichir -

Regular Bichir Pic 2 -

Cat in a Crevice - S. Polli -

WC Male Bristle Nose Pleco -

Sorry about the CAK Pics, they are always hiding, and it really hard to get a pic of them.
Fish List -
1x Albino Dino Bichir
1x Regular Dino Bichir
1x Albino Tiger Oscar
1x WC Synodontis Polli
1x Pictus Catfish
1x Hoplo Catfish
1x WC Pair Brown Bristlenose Plecos
Soon To Come -
1x Polypterus Endichleri
3x Red Hook Silver Dollars
1x Synodontis Eupterus(Feather Fin Cat)
Tank Specs -
Lighting -
48" Custom Sealife 4x 96watt Compact Flourescent light Running 4x 96watt CF 50/50 Bulbs
light is on a timer, runs from 9am - 9pm
Heating -
1x Eheim Jagger 250watt heater
Filtration & Circulation -
1x Eheim Classic 2217 Canister Filter
going to add another as soon as possible
1x Hydor Koralia 2 Powerhead
going to add another asap aswell
Decor -
~200lbs of BIG Flagstone Rocks 11 rocks total
2x Small hidden Pieces of Maylaysian Driftwood, for the plecos
Plants -
All Fake From Micheals and Hobby Lobby
Background -
Black Felt Cut to fit
Other -
CoralLife Digital Thermometer
Full Tank Shot -

Albino Tiger Oscar -

Albino Tiger Oscar Close Up -

Regular Dino Bichir -

Regular Bichir Pic 2 -

Cat in a Crevice - S. Polli -

WC Male Bristle Nose Pleco -

Sorry about the CAK Pics, they are always hiding, and it really hard to get a pic of them.