I've seen this happen before, and prime wasn't always associated with it...winter was. In warmer times of year, we don't have to temper the cold water with hot before adding it to the tank; only in winter do we have to do this, when using tap water. Hot water contains less oxygen than cold water. In a tank-type water heater, much of the oxygen in water is driven out of solution by heating it to 120F (avg. thermostat temp setting of water heaters). When we put this oxygen-depleted water into our tanks, it takes a while for it to reacquire its dissolved oxygen. This is why the fish aren't gasping two days after a water change, just in the first 24 hrs following one. So, prior to a water change, the movement of water in the aquarium maintains an amount of dissolved oxygen sufficient for the fish. When we drain 50% or more of this water and replace it with oxygen-depleted water the fish feel it immediately and respond right away. This is another arguement for keeping relacement water in holding vessels for at least 24 hrs prior to a partial water change.