My discus go under the roses, others in the front flower bed.
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fish or whatever that pass away...
Originally posted by newb View Postwhy do I keep hearing people putting fish in the freezer? does this remove the smell or something?
Guess people just put them in the freezer because it's a holding place while you either get time to bury it or try to figure out what to do with it.
Well the fish was about 7" to 8" long so he wasn't huge. Plus, almost everyone eats fish and has some type of fish in their freezer right now that they caught or bought from the store. It's really no different. A cat, now thats different.
On other pets, all of my previous pets, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, etc. are all buried on the property in the Heights. This is a large number of burials as it covered over 50 years of pets. Now that I've moved and my current children have not spent their all their life where we are now, I have decided to have them cremated, (two dogs and three cats) when the time comes.Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...
Originally posted by szidlon View PostOn other pets, all of my previous pets, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, etc. are all buried on the property in the Heights. This is a large number of burials as it covered over 50 years of pets. Now that I've moved and my current children have not spent their all their life where we are now, I have decided to have them cremated, (two dogs and three cats) when the time comes.That is so sweet. I can relate...there must be 1000 goldfish buried in my grandmother's backyard. She would always help me find a little box to put them in and some scraps of fabric to line the 'coffin' with. And if it was the right time of year, we'd find a 'flower' (most likely some sort of weed) to put with them too.
Our Fishhouse
Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.
Any I've had die have been pretty big (most recently because of the hurricane) over the 2' mark. I just put them in the trash. Assuming power is working, I'll freeze them if it's more than a day until trash pickup, so they don't stink and get nasty. I may have buried a fish or two when I was younger, but I don't think I'd do it now.
As for other pets, the last two that I've had die were our old 18 year old dog a couple of years ago, and more recently the little stray I took in who died about a week after having her puppy. Both went back to the vet (I didn't take them, someone else brought them for me) for the 'mass creamation' treatment. When I lived in NY, we'd bury our pets in the corner of the yard, but I don't want to do that down here.... the soil seems different, and with all the flooding, it just seems like it might end up with a nasty unearthing or something, and I can do without that.
I put them on a piece of aluminum foil, take a pic of it, and then wrap it up and then throw it in a ziploc bag then put it in the freezer until the morning of trash day. We have dogs so burying them isn't an option and flushing them down the toilet seems so cold. That and I really don't want them clogging up my toilet!
Well. I did it again. Lost my Betta fish today. :( So instead of putting him in the back of the freezer (for a few months- I always forget about them) with the other fish, I buried them all in the backyard. Just hope my dog doesn't find the spot interesting. She doesn't dig much but she may start scratching at the top. Just in case I made the hole extra deep.
Laura -- you know you have the perfect opportunity now.. You have the chance to either upgrade your tanks to something bigger and try something new or go get new fish for your empty tanks :) Always something exciting to do :)
What fish do Jesper have
180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
110 Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
58 S. Decorus
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher