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Water changes

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  • Water changes

    Did a quick search, and didn't see much.

    How often should I do a water change on a tank that is in its first months of being established?

    36 gallon

  • #2
    If it's cycled and "established", as often as needed.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      It depends on your stocking. I recommend getting a good test kit and testing every week to get a feel for your particular water supply and how the parameters change week by week in your tank. If you have just a few fish and a fair number of plants, you may not need to change very often (maybe monthly for example). If you’ve stocked heavily with fish, you may need to change at least weekly, and maybe more often if you’re establishing a new biological filter. If you’re adjusting hardness or pH for a particular species, that could be another complicating factor. Hope that helps you consider what may apply for your situation.

