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The Great Hybrid (Flowerhorn) Debate

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  • #46
    Very valid argument kiovo!
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #47
      It doesn't cause a conflict of interest. When I became HAS president, I didn't give up my right to my own personal opinion. If anything, it should give me stronger reason to support conservation and the betterment of our hobby. HAS is an all inclusive club...that's part of the beauty of it. HAS has spawned spinoffs over the years which are more specialized. Furthermore, please understand that while I have a responsibility not to do anything on here or anywhere else which would reflect poorly on HAS, throughout this post I have never once tried to insinuate that this is the opinion of HAS or its members. My opinions are my own. They are based upon quite a few years of experience and knowledge. There is a lot of mis-information going on about Flowerhorns (such as the LFS store employee brought up in Delock's post). I was hoping to educate people on the conservation, hobbyist, and, as it has happened, scientific issues in this debate.
      Charles Jones

      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


      • #48
        There is a lot of mis-information about flowerhorns. People do get them for the wrong reason, (ie. thinking it will bring them good fortune, health, and wealth). These same people also happen to be majority Asian! Asian people (not all cultures) tend to be supersitious, its a cultural thing.


        • #49
          I can understand that....but whether it's cultural, lack of education, or just plain irresponsible people doesn't make it better for the hobby or for conservation. Does the fact that something may be cultural give people a pass on doing and/or understanding what is right from a hobbyist or conservationist standpoint?
          Charles Jones

          A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
          Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


          • #50
            You're getting your feathers ruffled a little overly much...I'm giving my opinion, nothing more. I haven't said the average Flowerhorn keeper is treating his fish inhumanely. In fact, I believe quite the opposite is true. I believe that I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are. I can't tell you to do anything. The question that I asked was more of a philosophical one...does a cultural issue outweigh other factors? I don't depend on the Flowerhorn business as I don't sell them. Are you aware that in Great Britain stores are being asked by the hobbyist groups to sign a no hybrids, dyed, tattooed pledge?
            Charles Jones

            A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
            Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


            • #51
              What's best for each hobbyist is that they take care of their fish so that the fish are happy & healthy.

              To get into the semantics of fish & environment conservation does NOT belong in the same realm as hobby fish keeping. Otherwise there would be no hobby as ALL these fish we keep were removed from their environment to live in tanks - which as a conservationist is morally wrong. Unless of course the fish you keep are kept to preserve the species - which as hobbyist fish keepers none of us have probably ever considered nor have the ability to properly do.

              I would compare it to being a model-railroad hobbyist, but spending your days worried about possibly supporting railroads that have destroyed nature preserves somewhere in America and then campaigning about it - not to the railroads - but to other model-railroad hobbyist.

              This is a hobby. Nothing more.
              Last edited by jeebus; 02-21-2009, 02:00 PM. Reason: Edited to remove personal comments
              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


              • #52
                Different cultures do different things. Other cultures/people don't understand the reasons behind it. From a "hobbyist" standpoint, not all hobbyist are against hybrids. There's always groups of people who try to persuade other people to sign their forms and petitions, that doesn't mean anything.
                Last edited by Kiovo; 02-21-2009, 01:53 PM.


                • #53
                  Unless of course the fish you keep are kept to preserve the species - which as hobbyist fish keepers none of us have probably ever considered nor have the ability to properly do.
                  This is precisely what I'm talking about actually. Check out the HCCC CARES or ACA CARES programs. All I'm saying is let's prevent other species from getting to that point. And I actually have several species registered on those CARES lists. I know several people in Texas who do as well. I'm not being critical of anyone who doesn't, including keepers of Flowerhorns. I'm just saying that next time you have a tank open...maybe consider it. And talking about fish and conservation, to my way of thinking, very much belongs with the hobbyist. For if not us, who else?
                  Charles Jones

                  A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                  Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.

