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Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

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  • #16
    Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

    i think so too! i have ordered lots of RCS and most of the time the seller ships baby shrimps to maximize your enjoyment since they are short lived. so them being smaller than adults they would be more prone to becoming lunch.

    i think with mine i am either going to part with them or replace the fish that are in my planted community tank with them, one or the other.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

      depends an awful lot on whjat you have in your planted community.

      I have one tank planted with just RCS and MTS. When it fills up i move some adults out into one of my other tanks.

      i have some RCS in my 150g Only the big ones survive. The Ghosts and some of my bigger fish eat them.

      i have  several in my 2 10g grow out tanks. one has just baby danios, and theother has baby danios, hillstream loaches and Oto's. so fa they do well there. enough plants for smaller ones to hide.

      My other hobby?Vroom![b]


      • #18
        Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

        If you have a lot of plants and hiding places, the adult should be fine.  Otherwise, they will always be hidden during the day if they feel threatened.

        On a side note.  In a few weeks I will be offering RCS at a special price of about $1.25 each.  They are "teen" size, and not adult-size.

        So if anyone wants to wait around, I can help with a RCS fixation.  :)  I actually recommend a shrimp only tank for these guys.

        Here's a pic of a young small adult and teen.


        • #19
          Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

          hey clover, how big is the tank the rcs are in? i have probably close to a hundred babies now but i dont notice them growing to fast in my little 2.5g.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #20
            Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

            Keep an eye out for discarded exoskeletons...if you see them you know they are growing.

            I have to agree with the above comments...A nice small tank with plants and RCS looks nice...Mine is my living room which means I had to get approval from my wife so that speaks to how nice they look!

            Clover - $1.25? At that price I could be interested in expanding my colony! Keep us posted!

            My other hobby?Vroom![b]


            • #21
              Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

              i see lots of the shedding skins but dont notice like big red ones like my adults.

              i think im gonna fish out all the fish and move my rcs over to the planted tank. anyone here dose fertelizers in their planted tank? i dose along with co2 in my plant tank and i wonder if the shrimp will be ok with that.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #22
                Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                Most vulnerable time is right after the molt when they are listless, and the new skin is still soft.

                My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                • #23
                  Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                  Originally posted by RussGB";p="
                  Most vulnerable time is right after the molt when they are listless, and the new skin is still soft.
                  yeah i think thats when they are the tastiest too!  

                  or at least easier to eat
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #24
                    Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                    Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                    Originally posted by RussGB";p="
                    Most vulnerable time is right after the molt when they are listless, and the new skin is still soft.
                    yeah i think thats when they are the tastiest too!  

                    or at least easier to eat
                    Yummmm soft shell shrimp!

                    My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                    • #25
                      Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                      As soon as i get a good carpet of plants i'm going to be interested in adding some shrimp to my big tank. Then maybe they will have a good hiding place for babies.

                      Before that though i'll need CO2, if i don't get CO2 then i'll just have a carpet of algae!
                      "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                      • #26
                        Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                        Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                        Originally posted by RussGB";p="
                        Most vulnerable time is right after the molt when they are listless, and the new skin is still soft.
                        yeah i think thats when they are the tastiest too!  

                        or at least easier to eat
                        Yummmm soft shell shrimp!

                        My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                        • #27
                          Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                          Originally posted by gt3guru";p="
                          As soon as i get a good carpet of plants i'm going to be interested in adding some shrimp to my big tank. Then maybe they will have a good hiding place for babies.

                          Before that though i'll need CO2, if i don't get CO2 then i'll just have a carpet of algae!

                          what do you plan to use for the foreground/carpet plant? i thought about some hc or something but i went with hm/pearl weed instead after seeing what village tropical did with it in one of their display tanks. i got a really good/thick carpet now of it and really happy with how it turned out.

                          i agree with you co2 grows plants real nicely but algae grows the best without it.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #28
                            Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                            Baby tears and dwarf sag.

                            HC grows in very thick and wouldn't give shrimp any hiding spots.
                            I saw the same nano at village and came to the same decision
                            "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                            • #29
                              Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                              exactly what i was thinking too!!!! hc is too thick when done.

                              i have babytears and dwarf sag as well but the babytears take over and smother the dwarf sag. i trim mine almost weekly so if you want some let me know and i can trim you some.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank


                              • #30
                                Re: Great source for Red Cherry Shrimp - Fishbox special!

                                I got some babytears when i went to village, didn't use all i bought. going to wait till it grows in to trim it and make it look decent. but I really need CO2 soon or its all going to crap.. My DIY just isn't cutting it.
                                "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli

