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Step by Step Set up New Shrimp Tank

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  • #31
    armthehomeless, thanks i couldnt figure out how to do that...

    Mzungu, he didnt clear the top of the water i sat there for like 20 minutes waiting to see if he would, he ended up climbing back down

    Nacra99, if i wouldve put a algae wafer on the top i bet he would have made it
    And it begins...


    • #32
      Originally posted by DiscusKid View Post
      Mzungu, he didnt clear the top of the water i sat there for like 20 minutes waiting to see if he would, he ended up climbing back down

      Argh! Well, he made it to the top, at least.
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #33
        Haha ill give him A- for effort
        And it begins...


        • #34
          i just got home i checked the water and the pH dropped to 7!! snails shells are starting to crack/break!!! Im going to do a wc right now!!
          And it begins...


          • #35
            Should i move them into a breeder net in my 29g? Wouldn't our tap water help them regrow their shells?
            And it begins...


            • #36
              Well... i don't think that pitted shells will re-grow, but they should be ok for a short while in acidic water. It takes a while for shells to deteriorate.
              Do small frequent waterchanges for shrimp. They don't like huge pH swings either.


              • #37
                Im going to put them in the breeder net in the 29g, get rid of the fish and make it their tank.
                And it begins...


                • #38
                  Heres how the tank looks now..not so low tech anymore.

                  New specs:

                  Aquarium:AGA 5.5
                  Lighting:2 26w GE 6500k
                  Filtration: Tetra Ex Pf10 with sponge over intake
                  Substrate: ADA Aquasoil 1, Power Sand S, Tourmaline BC
                  CO2: Pressurized Do!Aqua Co2 Diffuse
                  Additives: Brightly K, Green Brightly Step-1
                  Plants: Rotala sp. Nanjenshan, Rotala Wallichii, Rotala Rotundifolia, Limnophila Hippuroides, Echinodorus Tenellus
                  Fauna: Amano Shrimp, Dario Dario (which i cant get to eat tried crushed flake and frozen brine shrimp...any ideas?)

                  Heres the pics:

                  Top View

                  Left Side:

                  Right Side:

                  LMK what you think :)
                  Last edited by DiscusKid; 03-21-2010, 08:11 PM.
                  And it begins...


                  • #39
                    wow how long did it take to fill in that quick? i have a 5.5 planted tank too..... do you know your kh?
                    I make people happy


                    • #40
                      Cant say exactly how long but not too long just cut the tops off and replant them. I have no idea the Gh/Kh test wasnt in my master kit
                      And it begins...


                      • #41
                        My Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) eat frozen blood worms. The were a little picky at first, but now they zoom to the front of the tank when they see me coming, and wolf down the worms as I drop them in.


                        • #42
                          Whoa, I missed your update to this! Looks nice!

                          I agree with Kotter-Wane. Bloodworms ALWAYS work. Seriously. I haven't had a fish that won't eat them. Especially wild-caught fishes (natives). I can try everything out there, but bloodworms never fail.

                          How many Dario dario did you add? I can't see them in the pics.

                          And wow, 2x26w over a 5.5g! What fixture are you using?
                          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                          • #43
                            My Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) eat frozen blood worms. The were a little picky at first, but now they zoom to the front of the tank when they see me coming, and wolf down the worms as I drop them in.
                            I read of people having sucess with BW, but my main goal was to get them to eat flake, so i mixed flake and BW until they started eating flake, and i havent fed them BW ever since!
                            (Tried Frozen Brine Shrimp and they didnt even look at em)

                            Whoa, I missed your update to this! Looks nice!

                            I agree with Kotter-Wane. Bloodworms ALWAYS work. Seriously. I haven't had a fish that won't eat them. Especially wild-caught fishes (natives). I can try everything out there, but bloodworms never fail.

                            How many Dario dario did you add? I can't see them in the pics.

                            And wow, 2x26w over a 5.5g! What fixture are you using?
                            I took those pics when i first got them and they just hid most of the time, now they swim up to me when im in front of the tank and they nibble on my fingers when i put my hand in the tank!(i dont think they realize theyre 3/4'')
                            Im just using 2 desk lamps with these bulbs
                            And it begins...


                            • #44
                              thats looking pretty good, especially with the lighting your using, getting some good colors coming in on the rotala.
                              25g - Reef
                              3.5g - Surge Tank
                              10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by cichlid1409 View Post
                                thats looking pretty good, especially with the lighting your using, getting some good colors coming in on the rotala.
                                Sorry didnt see your post, yeah im getting some good reds/pinks out of them.

                                Im tearing this tank down soon and using the plants to redo the 45-P, this tank will go back to its good ol' low tech self again :)
                                And it begins...

