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Blue Crayfish

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  • Blue Crayfish

    Hi all,  I'm so exicted today, I just received a blue crayfish that I ordered on Ebay.  I wanted to buy locally, but got tired of driving around Houston in the traffic to shop.    The poor guy that I bought was shipped overnight, but thanks to my not so smart post office, he didn't get here until the 3rd day.  I was afraid he'd be dead!  

    He arrived spunky and ready to be released from the box. He looks very happy in his new home.  I'm hoping he'll help with my guppy overpopulation problem, we'll see what happens.

    Anyway, if anyone is looking for one of these guys, here is a link to the Ebay seller:

    yeah, dolls.... and crayfish.....

    He was $15 bucks, but the overnight shipping made him much more expensive.  I didn't care.  You know how it is when you really want something.  He is BRIGHT electric blue.   Between 3 1/2 and 4" long.

    Spring, Tx

  • #2
    Re: Blue Crayfish

    I seen one in Megans Tropical Emporium last weekend. I think, but dont quote me on this, that it was around $10. its wasnt as big as yours, and i know how much hassle it is to drive around houston so im sure it was worth the extra to you.

    I have a regular crawfish, and im sorry to say he doesnt seem the least bit interested in my guppies. im pretty sure he attacked my snakeskin male but ive never seen any aggression since.

    Post some pictures of him. There should be a meeting in Huffman tomorrow, you should go and meet some of the people that frequent this site.



    • #3
      Re: Blue Crayfish

      Got pics?

      I could have told you which locals had blue crays....

      Do you have crays already?

      My other hobby?Vroom![b]


      • #4
        Re: Blue Crayfish

        Wish I'd have known.  I've got 13 of them, mostly male.  Wouldn't mind selling or trading a few...


        Btw - Crays are like catfish in a sense - sensitive to copper.  Keep this in mind if you ever have to medicate your tank.  Salt and Iodine (1 drop for 10 gallons)  in your tank will help them molt too.
        The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
        Who says you can`t have it all??!!


        • #5
          Re: Blue Crayfish

          I don't keep really pretty guppies or costly fish with mine anymore - they definately eat them if they catch them.  They'll catch/eat eels too.  And ghost shrimp.  And Marble Hatchets.  And most certainly EACH OTHER!  Don't ask how I discovered all this, but I'd have rather found out an easier way  :doh: .  Mine don't catch many very often, but I keep them well fed - they like bloodworms and tetramin tablets the best and for plants, they especially like anacharis and hornwort.  

          When they do fight, and lose legs and/or claws - they do grow back.  I had one poor guy with only one leg.  I separated him into a little fry floater so he wouldnt have to work so hard for food.  Gave him live baby brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms and within a month he had molted twice and was only still missing 2 legs.  

          The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
          Who says you can`t have it all??!!


          • #6
            Re: Blue Crayfish

            Mine is C. Quadricarinatus, Redclaw, female. She is 8" long now.

            They way I heard it is that the Australian crays (like mine) are more docile than the North American crays.

            So mine (pictured in my avatar) has spent her whole life in my community tank. The only fish she ever caught was my big plec, who then bashed her around a bit till she let go.

            She is not very carnivorous at all. She eats all my live plants and some of the plastic ones. She ate my driftwood. Mostly she eats algae flakes, and when she does, the smaller fish swarm her, especially my neons. Her claw opening is 2" long and she has no hope of catching a neon with them.

            In my opinion, crays can make a great community inhabitant if you have the right cray and the right fish. I will caveat this by saying mysteriously there are no sick or old fish in my community......

            My other hobby?Vroom![b]


            • #7
              Re: Blue Crayfish

              I have a pair of those too.  sounds like the same habits also.  I give mine bloodworms on occasion - hand feeding the little girl (she's about 3"), while the male (about 6") munches on his ration.
              The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
              Who says you can`t have it all??!!


              • #8
                Re: Blue Crayfish

                Originally posted by RussGB";p="
                Got pics?

                I could have told you which locals had blue crays....

                Do you have crays already?
                No pics, they all come out rather blurry, even with a pretty decent 5.2 megapixel camera.
                It doesn't do well with closeups, no macro lens, I guess.  This is my only cray, my guppies
                are reproducing like crazy, I was hoping he would do a little population control.   I did see my
                first dead guppy today, just a tailfin and a little "meat" floating.  He must have snagged one.

                I think I'll post a message in my neighborhood newsletter and see if someone needs some
                feeders.  My boys are multiplying like rabbits.


                • #9
                  Re: Blue Crayfish

                  Fish Ranch II has a bunch of them in two different tanks, I was there today.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank

