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RCS 10gal and the war against HYDRAS!!!!!

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  • RCS 10gal and the war against HYDRAS!!!!!

    i've been fighting this war with hydras for about a month. Water changes galore did nothing and feeding less was pointless.
    Soooo..... I got in the atomic bomb of shrimp-safe hydra be gone cures.
    Fenbendazole!!!! I bought some at le petco and dosed 5ml earlier today.
    I am waiting patiently for the results.
    I followed aquarliam's dosing from his site.

  • #2
    Day two. I still see Hydras. But some aren't erect as before(Maybe they are dying?) :)


    • #3
      Hydras dead! Fenbendazole is great!


      • #4
        Glad to hear it!
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #5
          thats good to hear. did the shrimp seem unaffected during the whole treatement period? Also, how long did you treat?
          25g - Reef
          3.5g - Surge Tank
          10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


          • #6
            I only treated once and checked up on the shrimp every day to see if any would be affected. I had 4 berried shrimp in there and for all i know they had babies successfully.
            I dosed according to aquarliam's dosing
            I had no shrimp die and according to plantedtank many members havehad success with fenbendazole.
            Just once and done. I dosed in all of my tanks.(29g community and 10gal dwarf puffer) and they all had success.

            Glad with results!!!! :)

