Here's a few shots showing the setup of my 20L Shrimp Stack...
These tanks are located next to the fridge in my kitchen. This shot shows the bottom tank in place.
Backgrounds are held in place with mineral oil (outside tank). Each tank has a HydroSponge Pro and an AquaClear 30 HOB with ZooMed 501 sponge pre-filter. A Rena air pump powers both sponge filters. You can see the rubber strips I glued to divide the front and back areas of the tank substrate. These were trimmings from a 125g tank background.
Each tank has a 75w Jager heater.
A bag of Fluval Shrimp Stratum was used in the rear areas of both tanks.
3M Colorquartz S-grade black sand was used for the foreground.
Fluval Stratum, like Aquasoil is clay based and thus crushable. Because of this, Egg-crate platforms were made for the Hydro Sponge filters. You can see the Fluval Stratum being added.
1-3/4" substrate was used in the background areas.
Although similar in design, each tank will be as unique as possible.
This shows the addition of the Colorquartz sand.
The sand was easy to put in both tanks..... Thanks to a mid-size plastic party cup.
Plants were added at this point, primarily a variety of Crypts.
Once the background (Fluval Stratum) areas were planted, water was carefully added to fill the tank.
Narrow leaf Java Fern was super glued (Gel) to Mopani driftwood.
Checking driftwood for fit...
Another piece ready to go in.
The top tank will have narrow-leaf fern on the Mopani.... What to do with the bottom tank????
This shot shows the top tank being filled with my DIY fill hose.
The crypts are planted in the bottom tank and water is added.
The bottom tank has driftwood with glued Java Fern.
This is a shot of the bottom tank with Java Fern on the right and a piece of Malaysian driftwood with glued Windelov fern.
I cycled the tanks with pairs of male endlers. I used extra & borrowed lights to get things going until four 30" Coralife FW fixtures were shipped in.
The foreground was planted with Baby Tear trimmings and Hydrocoryle sp. Different mosses were added to each setup.
After a few weeks it was time to add shrimp.....
These tanks are located next to the fridge in my kitchen. This shot shows the bottom tank in place.
Backgrounds are held in place with mineral oil (outside tank). Each tank has a HydroSponge Pro and an AquaClear 30 HOB with ZooMed 501 sponge pre-filter. A Rena air pump powers both sponge filters. You can see the rubber strips I glued to divide the front and back areas of the tank substrate. These were trimmings from a 125g tank background.
Each tank has a 75w Jager heater.
A bag of Fluval Shrimp Stratum was used in the rear areas of both tanks.
3M Colorquartz S-grade black sand was used for the foreground.
Fluval Stratum, like Aquasoil is clay based and thus crushable. Because of this, Egg-crate platforms were made for the Hydro Sponge filters. You can see the Fluval Stratum being added.
1-3/4" substrate was used in the background areas.
Although similar in design, each tank will be as unique as possible.
This shows the addition of the Colorquartz sand.
The sand was easy to put in both tanks..... Thanks to a mid-size plastic party cup.
Plants were added at this point, primarily a variety of Crypts.
Once the background (Fluval Stratum) areas were planted, water was carefully added to fill the tank.
Narrow leaf Java Fern was super glued (Gel) to Mopani driftwood.
Checking driftwood for fit...
Another piece ready to go in.
The top tank will have narrow-leaf fern on the Mopani.... What to do with the bottom tank????
This shot shows the top tank being filled with my DIY fill hose.
The crypts are planted in the bottom tank and water is added.
The bottom tank has driftwood with glued Java Fern.
This is a shot of the bottom tank with Java Fern on the right and a piece of Malaysian driftwood with glued Windelov fern.
I cycled the tanks with pairs of male endlers. I used extra & borrowed lights to get things going until four 30" Coralife FW fixtures were shipped in.
The foreground was planted with Baby Tear trimmings and Hydrocoryle sp. Different mosses were added to each setup.
After a few weeks it was time to add shrimp.....