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30g - Long "Bikini Bottom" - invert dominant tank

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  • How often are you doing WC and
    How much?

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    • 20-50% once a week, sometimes less cause I'm lazy.
      Top Off twice a week whenever I do water changes on my troph tank.
      Sometimes when I'm bored I do twice weekly.
      Tap water through a carbon bottle with Amquel+plus
      Top off with RO/DI whenever I remember to get water from thebaoster but that's only happened twice since he got the RO/DI.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • Pretty much same thing....only thing is mine is all ro/di water with those additives.

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        • Telling you... it's the city water.

          Only additive I use is the Amquel+plus. Oh, I have a whole cuttlebone in my 2217 along with a media bag with about 7-8 crumpled IAL. Oh and I'm using Fluorite substrate.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • .......and I live about 20miles further from Nick than you
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • Wtf is cuttlebone?

              I wrapped my ial with the bamboo tubes and moss.

              Mines Ada sub n this one and fluval in the other one

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              • Wonder what they put n the city water here....

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                • Cuttlebone is those long oval white things they sell for birds to peck at and work down their beaks.

                  Suppose to help with GH and provide calcium.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • Wth. Haha

                    Waiting for the alder to help with ph..

                    Even with weekly water changes What raises gh/kh? Leftover food? I don't have anything else besides the shrimp and plants.

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                    • anything breaking down will increase it. The stones probably is helping too.

                      I don't pay attention to all the numbers, I don't own any test kits and last time I took a water sample to thebaoster's house to test the GH/KH never changed colors so I stopped adding drops and testing.

                      My pH did drop with the IAL to about 6.0-6.4, TDS I think the last month when I did the test was back down to about 300-400
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • Lol that's funny.

                        Mines too clean compared to yours then haha

                        My gh/kh changed with like 5-8 drops I think last time I checked.

                        Ph was like 8?

                        I think I just might add a few more ial and see. And then 2-3 cones.

                        Man if your TDS is like 3-400 and still breeding what's all the damn fuss about!?!?

                        UNLESS they'll be berried and hatch and all that but the babies don't survive?

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                        • Most of the old school breeders I have read logs on don't test TDS either and honestly with all these guys that say they don't change water but only top off is pretty much lieing

                          There is no way in hell you can maintain a low TDS without replacing the water. TDS builds up with the decay and waste produced, even plain RO/DI water would slowly increase in TDS if kept in a plastic bottle. Taking what I have learned from my venture in High-tech reef tank you can't maintain it unless you have a method of removing the waste. With reef we had protein skimmers, anaerobic bacteria filter, water changes, algae filters etc. We have none of those other than water changes and plants in our tanks but the plants.

                          I really want to call BS on a lot of those guys post, aquasoil decays too since it's clay baked substrate and that alone breaking down would add to the TDS and some of those guys are posting damn near zero TDS.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • Well there are things that can lower hardness over time as well, some driftwood for instance has a tendency to lower gh and kh, with soft enough tap water it is possible they could get away with just op offs for exceedingly long periods of time. It is also possible that they forgot to mention using peat in the filter. They may not even realize what they are actually doing with their chemistry. If enough people do it, some will get lucky. Still not recommended.
                            My Orange Eyed Blue Tiger Shrimp Blog


                            • actually I think IAL softens water as well(as long as you remove it before it rots away)
                              My Orange Eyed Blue Tiger Shrimp Blog


                              • you cant keep adding "stuff" to the tank to try to obtain lower gh/ have to replace the water... waste and what not does not go away by itself

