Here's the new 6g bowfront. We've got 5 CBS and about a dozen chili rasboras in here, and one lone pencil fish.
pH is about 6.0 and temp is around 76. Forgive the pics, bowfronts are so hard to get good shots of!

Finally got my tree water logged, wrapped and up! The fissidens is looking a little unhappy, I was/am fighting green slime algae and have lowered the excel dosage, we'll see if it'll pull out of it. Aside from that, I love it. The CBS love it too, they are always hanging out on the tree.

So what do you all think, scape wise? I know the heater is an eyesore, the internal filter as well...they'll get upgraded eventually. Aside from that...any suggestions?
pH is about 6.0 and temp is around 76. Forgive the pics, bowfronts are so hard to get good shots of!

Finally got my tree water logged, wrapped and up! The fissidens is looking a little unhappy, I was/am fighting green slime algae and have lowered the excel dosage, we'll see if it'll pull out of it. Aside from that, I love it. The CBS love it too, they are always hanging out on the tree.

So what do you all think, scape wise? I know the heater is an eyesore, the internal filter as well...they'll get upgraded eventually. Aside from that...any suggestions?