anyone know where i can get two blue lobsters for my tank?
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blue lobsters
Re: blue lobsters
Crawfish or lobsters? I've seen the blue crawfish at petco either $13 or $20(can't remember). Don't know where you can find lobster locally, but they are expensive. Either is not good for your tank. Not sure how big your cichlids are but one of the other will most likely be lunch. I've tried to put crawfish in a tank and both occasions, the crawfish got a fish. I've seen a 5" texas cichlid tear apart some 3" crawfish.
Re: blue lobsters
a good site for info on crawfish is actually they have a forum section specifically for crawfish, all kinds, so that would be your best bet for info on inverts in your tank, but im gonna agree with Jose. but if you still want to try it(again i dont recommend) Village tropical had some just a week ago.Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club
Re: blue lobsters
Beware waht you ask for!
I have a blue lobster (technically a cray is a freshwater lobster, closer related to salt water laobsters than they are any other group).
Here's the scoop. North American vareties are agressive, and fast. They will eat anything they can catch, but are eaten by anything that can catch them.
The Australian crays are much more docile. I have a 12" Cherax Quadricarinatus (redclaw) in my 150g community. She eats only dead fish, and algae pellets. Occasionally she will eat cucumber and other bits an pieces. She also ate EVERY live plant, one plastic plant, and all of my driftwood. I also have to re-landscape every month because she digs like crazy. She also eats every snail and all my freshwater clams.
The upside is I have mostly small fish and she leaves them well alone.
FishRFun near me (NW side) has red crays in stock now. RedClaw ranch is here in Texas, and he always has stock.
Re: blue lobsters
Hey Russ,
How long did it take your redclaw to grow to 12"? I've got a pair, Blindie (my male) is about 6", and a little girl who's about 2.5-3". They don't grow nearly as fast as my Electric Blues, and of course are not nearly as aggressive. I can actually keep my redclaws in a tank together and they don't try to kill each other, whereas I've resorted to several small tanks for most of my reds and blues (procambarus clarkii's and alleni's, respectively), with one 55 housing a pair of reds, 1 blue and one little ditch variety. Used to have 2 female reds in there, but one has berries so I relocated her to her very own 20L. Not sure if 'daddy' is a red or a blue. Since red + blue = purple, I'll know when they hatch… (j/k, I know better than that). I'll likely add some ghost shrimp or guppy fry to keep her company. I can definitely relate on the plant issues though - they gobble them like candy! The electrics are the same way with plants, and anything else they can catch.
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