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Hair Algae Problem

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  • Hair Algae Problem

    I'm having hair algae problem.
    Anyone have suggestion to fix this ?
    the water is clear but there's too much hair algae on literally every surface.
    My name is Andri, and I'm an Ikoholic ! Back in the game !

  • #2
    If it's true hair algea you could use flourish excell. Double the dose and use it every day. I think I used it for two weeks and all my hair algea went away.
    A house without a puffer is not a Home.


    • #3
      I would suggest shortening the hours which the lights are on and trying to reduce the nutrient level in the tank with daily water changes. Perhaps growing some fast growing stemmed plants for nutrient export.

      short term solutions include:
      Getting something that eats algae (like siamese algae eaters etc).
      A huge clump of hornwort to suck up excess nutrients.
      Phosphate / Nitrate resin to suck up excess nutrients.
      Dosing with algaefix or other algae meds. (highly discouraged)

      I suggest getting your nutrient levels balanced for long term success as opposed to the short term solution.


      • #4
        Do you have hair algae in a pond, or in an aquarium? If it's a pond, using Excel for a couple of weeks could prove to be expensive... Tell us more about the history of the pond or aquarium, as well, please.
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #5
          doh!... i assumed it was a tank... could well be a pond... in that case, shortening daylight hours might not be feasable......


          • #6
            sorry i wasnt being very clear.
            Its a small pond we make in the back yard. with direct sunlight all day long.

            so its been having green water problem, then we installed a new filter w/ UV and it worked great! The water is really clear after a week but then the hair algae is now blooming.

            There's a few bulbs of water lilies growing in it but thats just about it.
            And we keep a few small koi's.
            My name is Andri, and I'm an Ikoholic ! Back in the game !


            • #7
              How much algae is it?

              Can I have it?

              Check PM please.
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #8
                I know this is an old thread, but here are some solutions to pond algae:

                1- more filtration. More plants, more biofilter. More anything to suck up the nutrients. A few water lilies is not enough- a pond is a living ecosystem. Add more plants. And then more plants!
                2- What about your fish? Goldfish and koi eat string algae like it's candy, unless you are giving them something they like better, like nutrient-dense purchased foods. If you are feeding your fish pellets, stop. Let them forage in the pond. They should eat string algae and pond plants and be fine.

                I do not ever have string algae in my pond, because the fish eat it.
                Zone 9
                150G stock tank: one RES and a buncha mosquito fish.
                2 half-barrels with mosquito fish & snails.
                Seeking 2 small goldies!

