Re: livebearers in ponds
Some of the pupfish and gambusia are endangered:
The speaker at the next HAS meeting is real interested in endangered gambusia but it is illegal for him to even take them out of the water to take photographs. I tried to find some researchers, zoos or wildlife refuges that have some endangered gambusia in glass tanks to photograph but I did not find any one maintaining these species. Gambusia georgei went extinct in 1983. It is illegal for individuals but some organizations should be maintaining the endangered gambusia. Gambusia afinis found in this area are invasive, legal and not threatened.
Some of the pupfish and gambusia are endangered:
The speaker at the next HAS meeting is real interested in endangered gambusia but it is illegal for him to even take them out of the water to take photographs. I tried to find some researchers, zoos or wildlife refuges that have some endangered gambusia in glass tanks to photograph but I did not find any one maintaining these species. Gambusia georgei went extinct in 1983. It is illegal for individuals but some organizations should be maintaining the endangered gambusia. Gambusia afinis found in this area are invasive, legal and not threatened.