spent a nice saturday down in houston with some incredible koi kichi.
Shigeru Mano of Dainichi Koi Farm along with Ron Goforth (recently retired ZNA District Chairman) gave 2 seminars on selecting koi for quality vs pattern and on Dainichi's new Hotaru Sanke bloodline.
We had people come from SoCal to Chicago for the event. Here are some videos of the koi.
Shigeru Mano of Dainichi Koi Farm along with Ron Goforth (recently retired ZNA District Chairman) gave 2 seminars on selecting koi for quality vs pattern and on Dainichi's new Hotaru Sanke bloodline.
We had people come from SoCal to Chicago for the event. Here are some videos of the koi.
YouTube- Dainichi jumbo tosai 2010
YouTube- dainichi tosai 2010
YouTube- Dainichi Hotaru GO Sanke 4 10 10
YouTube- dainichi tosai 2010
YouTube- Dainichi Hotaru GO Sanke 4 10 10