Does it have roots? and does it grow in gravel? What else roots and grow in gravel that doesnt die in the winter?
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Both cabomba and anacharis are native to the area, so they should be fine in a pond. Both technically have roots, but they are very feeble, and aren't worth anything. There are some varieties of sagittaria that root very well and are fairly cold resistant.75 planted (Being Renovated)
lots of nanos
3 websites:
Good info on all of those.
I learned this year that there are a number of plants that will grow in just gravel....with the nutrients of the fish waste to feed them. Also, there are fertilizer tablets that I use that seem to help. Caladiums, Colocasia (Elephant Ears), Day Lillies, are just a few plants typically grown in dirt that I have in gravel/water.
For the bog.....try to find plants that wil grow big roots as the roots are part of the filter system. Umbrella Palms (mine are out of control, had about about 50 just this year, 4 feet tall). Horsetail Rush (Reed), Corkscrew, Irises, etc.
Oxygenators.....Hornwort does well, cabomba is good too. Help for the fish to breathe.
Floaters that are good: Mosaic looks nice rooted or free floating (doesnt like running water tho.), same with lillies (not floating, I know, but leaves are), Snowflake is good and flowers beautifully (tho probably not again till spring). Parrot feather looks nice but is somewhat invasive (same with Mosaic). Couple of others I have, no name.
All my blooms (flowers) are already gone and I do not expect any till spring.....plants with water down as low as 58F still look good. I do not plan to bring any of them in for winter.
One thing I learned is to make sure to plant the plant you use at the proper depth to ensure growth.......I had a few too deep, they wouldnt grow. A couple of inches different, they were great. Depends on the plant you use.
I have some others that I can't remember the name of right now.
Try a trip out to Nelson's in Katy or Lynn's in League City or Lowes Water Gardens on Spring Stuebner... depending on what side of town you are on.
Ask and learn, then have fun. I learned a lot and have had a lot of fun this year. Try a plant you do not think will work, maybe it will.
My first outdoor pond was not until April of this year. Now I have two (375 and 185 gallon) with healthy fish and lots of babies.
All these are plants that work for me......