kindai tosai.jpgkindai sansai.jpgsakura boys.jpgsakura tosai.jpgsakura male 18 nisai.jpgsakura female 21.5 nisai.jpg
sakura female 24.jpg
wanted to share how 3 of my showa have developed over the past 3 years. look at how the sumi has gotten deeper as the koi matures.
will have to part with these 3 as we move next summer. wanted to really see these develop to the end, hopefully they will go to someone who appreciates showas.
sakura female 24.jpg
wanted to share how 3 of my showa have developed over the past 3 years. look at how the sumi has gotten deeper as the koi matures.
will have to part with these 3 as we move next summer. wanted to really see these develop to the end, hopefully they will go to someone who appreciates showas.