From dream to reality...

It holds about 40 gallons of water. Filteration is in the form of waterhyacinths. Current inhabitants:
1 Red Cap Oranda
1 Black Moor
1 Ryukin Red / White Fantail
1 Calico Oranda Fantail
1 Red Oranda Fantail
1 Red / White Fantail
1 Mutt Fantail
1 Orange Faintail
1 Pond Snail
2 Tadpoles
I know it is overstocked, but I could not help it. If they grow real big, I will give some away and eventually go down to 4 fish.

It holds about 40 gallons of water. Filteration is in the form of waterhyacinths. Current inhabitants:
1 Red Cap Oranda
1 Black Moor
1 Ryukin Red / White Fantail
1 Calico Oranda Fantail
1 Red Oranda Fantail
1 Red / White Fantail
1 Mutt Fantail
1 Orange Faintail
1 Pond Snail
2 Tadpoles
I know it is overstocked, but I could not help it. If they grow real big, I will give some away and eventually go down to 4 fish.