Anyone had any experiences(good or bad) with Koi purchased from these guys? The do have a lot of fish in their tanks and they appear to be well taken care of.
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Koi from Fish-N-Pets unlimited, on Bissonett ?
Just got back from this place last week, there is no way that I would waste my hard earned cash on any of the fish from this place. In every tank they had sick fish, deformed fish, fish with external parasites, you name it they probably have it. They did have a few decent looking large fish but I wouldn't take the chance with them contaiminating my fish or becoming floaters.
I've always had good fish from them. Never had a problem. Maybe when ya went there was a new shipment of fish and some died off because too much stress who knows. They do get A LOT of fish shipment every week or so. All LFS I been to have dead fish in the tank that they over look.
bought a few fish from them before, the owner their knows what hes doing and is very knowledgeable about freshwater keeping. and cu0ngsayz is right, almost all LFS has plenty of sick, dying, or dead fish floating around especially when it comes to fresh water for some reason. I just got back from FG and i saw quite a few sick fishies and malnourished fish as well in the fresh water section. It can be difficult to keep track of all the fishes and tanks in the store along with worrying about customers and helping them. Plus theres lots resupply and other buisness and exchange to keep in mind of.
P.S. you should always quarantine and deworm a new fish in a separate hospital tank as i call it, before introducing it into the community tank. Its a good practice and a safe way to keep your tanks and fishies from getting any disease or parasite infection in the bigger tank. Always good to play safe = no risk.
yea. you should hang out at a LFS for a day and see how they run things. i personally know the owner of extreme fish and pets and it gets pretty crazy out there when theyre busy. they just cant really keep track of dead fish. it might have been alive when they check but when you got to the store it could have died who knows. and i agree with fishmaker about the quarantine/ hospital tank before putting in our show tank.
I was referring to the Koi only, didn't have time to waste to look through it all. I do quarantine my fish for 3 weeks in a 300 gallon tank, before I introduce a new fish to the pond or when I had indoor tanks I used a 29 gallon tank for quarantine. I was responding to this thread with my honest opinion from what I personally saw on my first visit. I can understand having a floater every now and than, but my biggest concern was the deformities of the Koi, the constant scrapping, and most being so lethargic. I am glad that people have had success with purchasing fish from this store and I'm also thankful of the moderators and creators of this site that let people voice their own opinion, as it has helped me many times in the short time since I stumbled upon it.Last edited by d2332; 06-20-2012, 10:51 AM.
I bought a few kois there and they are growing big in my pond now. Phat - the owner - fixed up my pond filtration system and I am very happy with his service. The water is crystal clear now. From now on, that is the only LFS that I will go to.