I take care of a 55 at a nursing home; it had tropicals and one 3" ( $0.49 Wal-Mart) goldfish. It died a couple days ago ,he was pretty deep into the Java moss jungle. Is is possible he could have tangled himself ,to death?
Other fish are fine (angels, zebra danio, platies, swordtails black mollies -overflow from my pond). And cardinal tetras donated by HAS about 6 mo ago (newest additions).
The gold was in there because some residents need something big, slow and bright to see.
Other fish are fine (angels, zebra danio, platies, swordtails black mollies -overflow from my pond). And cardinal tetras donated by HAS about 6 mo ago (newest additions).
The gold was in there because some residents need something big, slow and bright to see.