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Swimming pool?

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  • Swimming pool?

    700g Mini-Monster tank

  • #2
    I remember seing this a while back , has anyone been to one ?
    Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
    Mark Twain


    • #3
      the state stocks the pond/lake whatever you want to call it at kitty hollow park once a year with trout for people to catch...

      Mentally Challenged

      My Flickr


      • #4
        LOL if I had a pool It would have fish in it but not lame trout...
        Mentally Challenged

        My Flickr


        • #5
          Looks like Jed and Granny moved to Texas.

          MMM. Trout is good eaten. Limon no lame...

          lame trout...
          Last edited by troy tucker; 05-04-2012, 09:14 AM.
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
            Looks like Jed and Granny moved to Texas.

            MMM. Trout is good eaten. Limmon no lame...
            I don't eat fish... Especially out of the water around here...
            Mentally Challenged

            My Flickr


            • #7
              no bodys perfect...
              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


              • #8
                Well I shouldn't say I don't eat fish. I will eat it just depends where it was caught... Nothing like fresh Tuna off the coast of Okinawa
                Mentally Challenged

                My Flickr


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sunkenmetal View Post
                  LOL if I had a pool It would have fish in it but not lame trout...
                  I did that to my parent pool for awhile after a storm took it out. Had bass, Catfish, perch, and Buffalo stocked. Was up and running till neighbors illegally build a pool two story pool house and called the city saying it was a danger to public safety. They woke up to city inspectors ordering that they remove the pool house the next morning.
                  29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

                  30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

                  5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn

