I went to the betta auction last Saturday and bought a beautiful blue/pink BF male betta splendens. I also went home with a pair of wild caught bettas (though I don't know what species, possibly imbellis or smaragdina though my fish don't have any red on them). Now that they've had a few days to calm down they've really colored up (they looked almost albino when they first got home). Yesterday I woke up to a bubble nest and today they've started spawning. Dad doesn't seem to be doing a great job though. There are some eggs in the nest (maybe 40 or so), but the whole time I was watching he didn't grab any of the eggs that fell (out of mom) and put them in the nest. He just watched them fall to the ground where mom ate them. Do males sometimes do this on their first spawn? Or are some dads better than others? How do I know when they're done spawning? When he chases the female away? Also, when should I start feeding the babies? And, does anyone have a culture of some live food and can spare a bit for a starter? What's the easiest food to 'grow'? I've only ever raised BBS before. Does the male need to come out of that tank once the babies hatch? I was told these were community fish and the parents could live in the same tank as the babies. Any information would be appreciated.
EDIT: Have now been identified as betta sp. mahachai
EDIT: Have now been identified as betta sp. mahachai