The latest wild pair. Pardon the iphone picture quality. He is great, both are big but she is really HUGE.
No announcement yet.
My New Macs
ugly as can be! JUST KIDDING!
I'm just jealous. Someday my wife will see to letting me bring home a pair of those beauties. I finally got my brownorums to build a nest an exibit breeding behavior. Unfortunately, I again forgot to cover my tank, and found my male in my dogs pet bed.
Those are awsome. Don got in another pair. I think they may already be sold. You need to findout who gets them so you can breed between the 2 lines.
That reminds me I gotta get him to order me some B. foerschi.
JonasEmerald Green Rainbowfish
Yellow Rabbit Snails
Yeah, Don had three pair come in, this is one of those three, they're all sold now... This is my second pair... the first female didn't make it, she was a little rough around the edges when I got her, and the male disappeared from a fully covered tank of which he was the only inhabitant... Really weird (and costly). They have wonderful personality and his color is getting better daily... particularly when she isn't in a bad mood chasing him around.
In other news, I have Albimarginata fry from two spawns swimming around and my stupid Rubra male has now swallowed 4 sets of eggs.
He has foerschi and mandor in right now, at least did as of Monday, as well as plenty of others including three or four different Uberis subspecies, and more things coming in Thursday including Ideii
Very nice, Josh. They look scrappy!
MarkWhat are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.
Robert Anson Heinlein
Give him lots of hiding places. Especially towards the back of the tank where he won't be disturbed by traffic. As long as he is hiding, means he's still holding.