I'm new here and wondering if anyone has any advice about female Betta community tanks? I have a 10 gallon tank that's been cycling for over a month. I had the water tested and it's perfect now. The tank is heavily planted with java fern, rotala and anubias plus some type of grass (not sure of the name), also some drift wood, slate and 2 algae shrimp . There lots of places for the bettas to hide and and an aquaclear 30 filter + coralife10,000K 15 watt florescent light. I have 7 females (all separated right now) waiting to go in. Is this too many?? Reading about the pecking order process they need to go through has made me a little nervous, I'm beginning to imagine a blood bath, lol. I have also heard you are supposed to add them all at once so no one can claim any territory first, but won't there be an ammonia spike if I do that?
any advice on this subject would be welcome...
any advice on this subject would be welcome...