I have an 800 g pond and a 250 g pond ( plastic tub ) , various plants . A few big koi ( 5 # ) and a bunch of giant danios and maybe some zebras ( they spawn in a small stream on the big pond , the giants are crowding out the zebras ). Also black mollies in the small pond. I have been using a fish trap to try to catch some green and diamond back water snakes ( got one green so far) .. But I have caught 3 young paradise fish ( 1 ") , 2 from the big pond and 1 from the small. I bought 4 paradise fish this spring, they are in a 29 on a deck, have not spawned, - not over the pond. I can't guess where the small paradise came from . I raised paradise 15 years ago , i don't remember putting them in a pond ( but i am old ).
All the fish winter over in the ponds in Huntsville .
All the fish winter over in the ponds in Huntsville .