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Male vs Female Guppies

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  • #16
    Yellow Cobras

    Zulaab- Just for you information, the yellow ones (cobras) are currently available at Fish Gallery. I think they are 1.99 female 2.99 male 4.00 pair.
    djmatthewblack- More females to divide attention of the males
    PhishPhreek- Nice!


    • #17
      Re: Male vs Female Guppies

      What is the best ratio of females to males?  4:1?  I think I read that somewhere.
      58G Malawis
      10G planted


      • #18
        Re: Male vs Female Guppies

        Edkrueger, thank you :)   I will be looking for some after July 22 when I give my room mates 8yr old son his b-day gift, a 20 or 29 gal aquarium for his room.  He has been wanting a fish tank for the last 6 months, so I figure getting guppys are a good route to go since they are somewhat hardy and I think its a good fish to start learning how to take care of fish with.

        What fish do Jesper have
        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
        58 S. Decorus

        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


        • #19
          Re: Male vs Female Guppies

          I agree but if I were to do guppies again, I would keep only the males.  If you aren't breeding them and only want good looking fish then you really have no reason to get females.  Females are cheaper to buy than males but that is there only advantage.


          • #20
            Re: Male vs Female Guppies

            well thats a way to go, anyway i bred guppys for quality an it is so much more fun, than anything i did before.
            if somebody needs any or would like some pictures pm.


            • #21
              Re: Male vs Female Guppies

              I am most likely going to have males and Females..  I am not looking to have a show tank for him to work with, I want him to have the fun of coming downstairs telling me about fry he saw in the tank.  :)

              What fish do Jesper have
              180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
              Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
              58 S. Decorus

              "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


              • #22
                Re: Male vs Female Guppies

                well , i think there is diferent ways to look at this, i have many tanks like 14 dedicated just to guppies.
                the real reason why females look way better than before is because a genetic phenomem.
                its called crossover, esentially during the exchange of cromosomes during meioses, some of the male carried genes go to the female and thats the reason this females look like males w so much color.
                now everything is valid in guppy world, if you would like to have 14 aquariums and try to develop your on line.
                welcome to the club, if you just want to have beautifull males, welcome to that club also, and if you just want to promote the free  breeding of them its m also good especially if you are just trying to estimulate some kids.

                just some pictures of what i acomplish


                • #23
                  Re: Male vs Female Guppies

                  I love the fish in the second picture, by the way! Don't think I have seen that particular combo of colors before, nice job!
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • #24
                    Re: Male vs Female Guppies

                    thank you unfortunately itts no longer w me, and keeping this colors going was not possible.
                    you see there is a lot of challenges keeping colors and lines but people dont know this.
                    thats the reason, soem guppies should be priced higher than others.
                    anyway if somebody want to come and see my fishroom i am willig to sell this nice fish for very reasonable prices.

